8:30-9:00 - Words of
Welcome and Workshop Organization - Chairs: Li-Te
Cheng, Alessandro Orso, Martin Robillard |
9:00-10:00 - Keynote
Address - Chair: Martin Robillard |
Equinox - Trends in Eclipse as a
RuntimeJeff McAffer, IBM
Rational |
 | Abstract:Eclipse started as a tooling
platform. A few years ago Eclipse as a "Rich Client Platform"
broke Eclipse out of the tooling box. Today, the Equinox
project is forging new ground for Eclipse as a runtime. What's
driving the revolution? Equinox's robust, modular, OSGi-based
runtime? The realization that Eclipse can do for the server
what it did for the client? The sophisticated module tooling
provided by the Plug-in Development Environment? The promise of
sophisiticated provisioning in the form of p2? A synergistic
mix of all the above? This talk explores where we are today
with Equinox, where we are going, how we are going to get there
and who is coming with us. Bio: Jeff McAffer leads the
Eclipse Equinox OSGi, RCP and Orbit teams and is a Senior
Technical Staff Member with IBM Rational. He is one of the
architects of the Eclipse Platform and a co-author of The
Eclipse Rich Client Platform (Addison-Wesley). He is a member
of the Eclipse Project PMC, the Tools project PMC, the Eclipse
Architecture Council and the Eclipse Foundation Board of
Directors. Jeff is currently interested all aspects of Eclipse
componentry from developing and building bundles to deploying,
installing and ultimately running them. Previous lives included
work in distributed/parallel OO computing (Server Smalltalk,
massively parallel Smalltalk, etc) as well as expert systems,
meta-level architectures and a PhD at the University of Tokyo.
10:30-12:00 - Session 1 - Chair: Alessandro Orso |
High Velocity Refactorings in Eclipse
(E. Murphy-Hill and A. Black) |
MTSA: The Modal Transition System Analyser
Eclipse Plugin (N. D'Ippolito, H. Foster and
S. Uchitel) |
Filtering out methods you wish you hadn't
navigated (A. Ying and P. Tarr) |
CReN: A Tool for Tracking Copy-and-Paste
Code Clones and Renaming Identifiers Consistently in the IDE (P. Jablonski and D. Hou) |
Quality of Bug Reports in Eclipse
(N. Bettenburg, S. Just, A. Schröter, C. Weiß, R. Premraj and T. Zimmermann) |
13:30-15:00 - Session
2 - Chair: Li-Te Cheng |
UnitPlus: Assisting Developer Testing in
Eclipse (Y. Song, S. Thummalapenta and T. Xie) * Best
Student Paper Award* |
Declarative and Visual Debugging in Eclipse (J. Czyz and B. Jayaraman) |
Predicting Buggy Changes Inside an
Integrated Development Environment (J. Madhavan and E.J. Whitehead, Jr.) |
Towards Dynamic Plug-in Replacement in
Eclipse Plug-in Development (A.R. Gregersen and B.N. Jørgensen ) |
Porting a Distributed Meeting System to the
Eclipse Communication Framework (F. Calefato, F. Lanubile and M. Scalas) |
15:30-17:00 - Session
3 - Chair: Martin Robillard |
Building, Deploying, and Monitoring
Distributed Applications with Eclipse and R-OSGi
(J.S. Rellermeyer, G. Alonso and T. Roscoe) |
An Eclipse-Based Tool Framework for Software
Model Management (R. Salay, M. Chechik, S. Easterbrook, Z. Diskin, P. McCormick, S. Nejati, M. Sabetzadeh and P. Viriyakattiyaporn) |
Supporting Empirical Studies by
Non-Intrusive Collection and Visualization of Fine-Grained
Revision History (J. Chan, A. Chu and Elisa Baniassad) |
Studying the Evolution of the Eclipse Java
Editor (D. Hou) |
Informing Eclipse API Production and
Consumption (R. Holmes and R. Walker) *Audience's Choice
Best Presentation Award* |
17:00-17:30 - Workshop
Conclusion and Award Ceremony - Chairs: Li-Te
Cheng, Alessandro Orso, Martin Robillard |