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Library Functions

Here we list some of the most important library functions/procedures. We use the following convention: poly is of type dd_PolyhedraPtr, matrix, matrix1 and matrix2 are of type dd_MatrixPtr, err is of type dd_ErrorType*, ifile and ofile are of type char*, A is of type dd_Amatrix, point and vector are of type dd_Arow, d is of type dd_colrange, m and i are of type dd_rowrange, x is of type mytype, a is of type signed long integer, b is of type double, set is of type set_type. Also, setfam is of type dd_SetFamilyPtr, lp is of type dd_LPPtr, solver is of type dd_LPSolverType, roworder is of type dd_RowOrderType.


Komei Fukuda 2004-11-24