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Input/Output Functions

dd_MatrixPtr dd_PolyFile2Matrix (f, err)
Read a Polyhedra data from stream f and store it in matrixdata and return a pointer to the data.

boolean dd_DDFile2File(ifile, ofile, err)
Compute the representation conversion for a polyhedron given by a Polyhedra file ifile, and write the other representation in a Polyhedra file ofile. *err returns dd_NoError if the computation terminates normally. Otherwise, it returns a value according to the error occured.

void dd_WriteMatrix(f, matrix)
Write matrix to stream f.

void dd_WriteNumber(f, x)
Write x to stream f. If x is of GMP mpq_t rational $p / q$, the output is $p / q$. If it is of C double, it is formated as a double float with a decimal point.

void dd_WritePolyFile(f, poly)
Write tt poly to stream f in Polyhedra format.

void dd_WriteErrorMessages(f, err)
Write error messages given by err to stream f.

void dd_WriteSetFamily(f, setfam)
Write the set family pointed by setfam to stream f. For each set, it outputs its index, its cardinality, a colon ``:'' and a ordered list of its elements.

void dd_WriteSetFamilyCompressed(f, setfam)
Write the set family pointed by setfam to stream f. For each set, it outputs its index, its cardinality or the negative of the cardinality, a colon ``:'' and the elements in the set or its complements whichever is smaller. Whenever it outputs the complements, the cardinality is negated so that there is no ambiguity. This will be considered standard for outputing incidence (*.icd, *ecd) and adjacency (*.iad, *.ead) data in cddlib. But there is some minor incompatibility with cdd/cdd+ standalone codes.

void dd_WriteProgramDescription(f)
Write the cddlib version information to stream f.

void dd_WriteDDTimes(f, poly)
Write the representation conversion time information on poly to stream f.

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Komei Fukuda 2004-11-24