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LP Data Manipulation

dd_LPPtr dd_MakeLPforInteriorFinding(lp)
Set up an LP to find an interior point of the feasible region of lp and return a pointer to the LP. The new LP has one new variable $x_{d+1}$ and one more constraint: $\max x_{d+1}$ subject to $b - A x - x_{d+1} \ge 0$ and $x_{d+1} \le K$, where $K$ is a positive constant.

dd_LPPtr dd_Matrix2LP(matrix, err)
Load matrix to lpdata and return a pointer to the data.

dd_LPSolutionPtr dd_CopyLPSolution(lp)
Load the solutions of lp to lpsolution and return a pointer to the data. This replaces the old name dd_LPSolutionLoad(lp).

void dd_FreeLPData(lp)
Free memory allocated to lp.

Komei Fukuda 2004-11-24