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Number Assignments

For number assignments, one cannot use such expressions as x=(mytype)a. This is because cddlib uses an abstract number type (mytype) so that it can compute with various number types such as C double and GMP rational. User can easily add a new number type by redefining arithmetic operations in cddmp.h and cddmp.c.

void dd_init(x)
This is to initialize a mytype variable x and to set it to zero. This initialization has to be called before any mytype variable to be used.

void dd_clear(x)
This is to free the space allocated to a mytype variable x.

void dd_set_si(x, a)
This is to set a mytype variable x to the value of signed long integer a.

void dd_set_si2(x, a, b)
This is to set a mytype variable x to the value of the rational expression a/b, where a is signed long and b is unsigned long integers.

void dd_set_d(x, b)
This is to set a mytype variable x to the value of double b. This is available only when the library is compiled without -DGMPRATIONAL compiler option.

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Komei Fukuda 2004-11-24