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Polyhedra Data Manipulation

dd_MatrixPtr dd_PolyFile2Matrix (f, err)
Read a Polyhedra data from stream f and store it in matrixdata and return a pointer to the data.

dd_MatrixPtr dd_CopyInequalities(poly)
Copy the inequality representation pointed by poly to matrixdata and return dd_MatrixPtr.

dd_MatrixPtr dd_CopyGenerators(poly)
Copy the generator representation pointed by poly to matrixdata and return dd_MatrixPtr.

dd_SetFamilyPtr dd_CopyIncidence(poly)
Copy the incidence representation of the computed representation pointed by poly to setfamily and return dd_SetFamilyPtr. The computed representation is Inequality if the input is Generator, and the vice visa.

dd_SetFamilyPtr dd_CopyAdjacency(poly)
Copy the adjacency representation of the computed representation pointed by poly to setfamily and return dd_SetFamilyPtr. The computed representation is Inequality if the input is Generator, and the vice visa.

dd_SetFamilyPtr dd_CopyInputIncidence(poly)
Copy the incidence representation of the input representation pointed by poly to setfamily and return d_SetFamilyPtr.

dd_SetFamilyPtr dd_CopyInputAdjacency(poly)
Copy the adjacency representation of the input representation pointed by poly to setfamily and return d_SetFamilyPtr.

void dd_FreePolyhedra(poly)
Free memory allocated to poly.

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Komei Fukuda 2004-11-24