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Matrix Manipulation

dd_MatrixPtr dd_CopyMatrix(matrix)
Make a copy of matrixdata pointed by matrix and return a pointer to the copy.

dd_MatrixPtr dd_AppendMatrix(matrix1, matrix2)
Make a matrixdata by copying *matrix1 and appending the matrix in *matrix2 and return a pointer to the data. The colsize must be equal in the two input matrices. It returns a NULL pointer if the input matrices are not appropriate. Its rowsize is set to the sum of the rowsizes of matrix1 and matrix2. The new matrixdata inherits everything else (i.e. numbertype, representation, etc) from the first matrix.

int dd_MatrixAppendTo(& matrix1, matrix2)
Same as dd_AppendMatrix except that the first matrix is modified to take the result.

int dd_MatrixRowRemove(& matrix, i)
Remove the $i$th row of matrix.

dd_MatrixPtr dd_MatrixSubmatrix(matrix, set)
Generate the submatrix of matrix by removing the rows indexed by set and return a matrixdata pointer.

dd_MatrixPtr dd_CopyMatrix(matrix)
Make a copy of matrixdata pointed by matrix and return a pointer to the copy.

dd_SetFamilyPtr dd_Matrix2Adjacency(matrix, err)
Return the adjacency list of the representation given by matrix. The computation is done by the built-in LP solver. The representation should be free of redundancy when this function is called. See the function dd_rowset dd_RedundantRows and the example program adjacency.c.

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Komei Fukuda 2004-11-24