What is convex polytope/polyhedron?
Frequently Asked Questions in
What is Polyhedral Computation
Convex Polyhedron
What is convex polytope/polyhedron?
What are the faces of a convex polytope/polyhedron?
What is the face lattice of a convex polytope
What is a dual of a convex polytope?
What is simplex?
What is cube/hypercube/cross polytope?
What is simple/simplicial polytope?
What is 0-1 polytope?
What is the best upper bound of the numbers of
-dimensional faces of a
-polytope with
What is convex hull? What is the convex hull problem?
What is the Minkowski-Weyl theorem for convex polyhedra?
What is the vertex enumeration problem, and what is the facet enumeration problem?
How can one enumerate all faces of a convex polyhedron?
What computer models are appropriate for the polyhedral computation?
How do we measure the complexity of a convex hull algorithm?
How many facets does the average polytope with
vertices in
How many facets can a 0-1 polytope with
vertices in
How hard is it to verify that an H-polyhedron
and a V-polyhedron
are equal?
Is there an efficient way of determining whether a given point
is in the convex hull of a given finite set
of points in
How can one remove all interior points of
for large clouds
of points in
Is there any efficient algorithm to remove redundant inequalities from a system of linear inequalities
Is there any efficient algorithm to compute the intersection of two (or
) polytopes
Is there any efficient algorithm to compute the volume of a convex polytope in
Komei Fukuda 2004-08-26