When a polyhedron in
has at least one extreme point and full dimensional,
both representations (a) and (b) in Miknowski-Weyl
Theorem 5 are unique up
positive multiples of each inequality and ray
Under these regularity conditions, the conversions between the H-representation
and the V-representation are well-defined fundamental problems.
The transformation (a) to (b) is known as the vertex enumeration
and the other (b) to (a) is known as the facet enumeration.
When is in addition bounded (i.e. polytope), the facet enumeration problem
reduces to
what we call the convex hull problem, see 2.10.
If a given polyhedron does not satisfy the assumptions, it is easy to transform the polyhedron to an isomorphic lower dimensional polyhedron satisfying the assumptions.
There are easy (nondegenerate) cases and difficult (degenerate) cases.
For simplicity, we assume that is bounded (i.e. polytope).
The vertex enumeration is called nondegenerate if
there is no point
which satisfies
given inequalities
with equality, and degenerate otherwise.
The facet enumeration
is called nondegenerate if
there is no
given points which are on a common
hyperplane, and degenerate otherwise.