To answer this question, we assume the unit cost RAM model, where the computational time is essentially the number of elementary arithmetic operations and the storage for any integer number takes a unit space. See Section 2.14.
There are two approaches to evaluate the complexity of a given convex hull algorithm.
Let be an algorithm which computes a minimal
inequality description
of a full-dimensional convex polytope
for a given point set
. Let
denote the number of inequalities in
the output
(One can interprete the discussion here
in dual setting: consider as an algorithm to compute
all vertices
of a convex polytope
inequaities with
First of all, most people agree that the efficiency of
computing the convex hull
should be measured at least by the critical
input parameters and
. Some people
like to see the complexity by fixing
constant, but it is always better to evaluate
in terms of
as well, and fix it later.
The first measure, often employed by computational geometers, is
to bound the worst case running time of an algorithm for any
input with
points in
. For example, if
is of
, then it means
terminates in time
for ANY input of
points in dimension
Also, when one set
to be fixed (constant), such an algorithm
is said to have time complexity
, since
is simply
a constant. We may call this worst-case-input measure.
For fixed dimension,
there is an optimum algorithm [Cha93] for the convex hull in terms of
the worst-case-input measure, that runs in time
It cannot be better because the largest output is of
the same order by the upper bound theorem (Theorem 2).
The worst-case-input measure
is quite popular, but it might be little misleading.
For example, suppose algorithms and
are of time complexity
, respectively. Then by this measurement,
the algorithm
is superior to
Here is a potentially serious problem with this worst-case-input measure.
Above, it is still possible that takes worst-case time
ALL input of
points in
, and
takes time proportional
to some polynomial function of
Note that the number
of inequalities varies
wildly from
, even for fixed
(by the upper bound theorem Theorem 2 and (1)). This diversity is just too big to be ignored
Furthermore, the input data leading to the worst-case output
hardly occurs in practice. In fact, for the random spherical polytope,
the expected size of
is linear in
, see Section
While the worst-case-input optimal
algorithm [Cha93] is a remarkable theoretical achievement,
we are still very far from knowing the best ways
to compute the convex hull for general dimensions.
In order to circumvent this pitfall, one can use a measure using
all key variables . Or more generally, one can
measure the time complexity in terms of both the size of
input and the size of output.
We say an algorithm
is polynomial
if it runs in time bounded by a polynomial in
This polynomiality coincides with the usual polynomiality
when the output size is polynomially bounded by the size of
Under the nondegeneracy assumption (see 2.12), there is a polynomial algorithm for the convex hull problem. Few of the earlier polynomial algorithms are pivot-based algorithms [CCH53,Dye83] solving the problem in dual form (the vertex enumeration problem) and a wrapping algorithm [CK70]. A more recent algorithm [AF92] based on reverse search technique [AF96] is not only polynomial but compact at the same time. Here, we say an algorithm is compact if its space complexity is polynomial in the input size only.
In the general case, there is no known polynomial algorithm. The paper [ABS97] is an excellet article presenting how various algorithms fail to be polynomial, through ingenious constructions of ``nasty'' polytopes.