Previous seminar schedules are archived here.

Conference of McGill's Epic Programming Language Systems (COMEPLS)

Summer 2024 - Every Tuesday from 3:00pm to 4:30pm

McConnell 321, McGill University

Every week, one person is assigned to give an hour-long (or less) presentation on a topic of their choice. Occasionally, we receive external speakers. Drinks and snacks will be served.

Upcoming talks

July 23, 2024

Combining Automatic Amortized Resource Analysis with Bayesian Learning
Jan Hoffman (invited speaker)

There are two approaches to automatically deriving symbolic worst-case resource bounds for programs: static analysis of the source code and data-driven analysis of cost measurements obtained by running the program. Static resource analysis is usually sound but incomplete. Data-driven analysis can always return a result, but its lack of robustness often leads to unsound results. In this talk, I present a hybrid resource bound analysis that tightly integrates static analysis and data-driven analysis. The static analysis part builds on automatic amortized resource analysis (AARA), a type-based resource analysis method that infers resource bounds using linear optimization. The data-driven part relies on Bayesian modeling and inference techniques that improve upon previous data-driven analysis methods by reporting an entire probability distribution over likely resource cost bounds. This Hybrid AARA is statistically sound under standard assumptions on the runtime cost data. In the first part of the talk, I present type-based AARA and illustrate its strengths and weaknesses. I then discuss the challenges with data-driven analyses for worst-case bounds. Finally, I show how Bayesian learning can be integrated into type-based AARA. I also summarize an experimental evaluation that indicates that Hybrid AARA (i) effectively mitigates the incompleteness of purely static resource analysis; and (ii) is more accurate and robust than purely data-driven resource analysis.

July 30, 2024

Haolin Ye


August 6, 2024

Breandan Considine


August 13, 2024

Jason Hu


August 20, 2024

Max Kopinsky


August 27, 2024

Jaylene Zhang


Past talks

July 16, 2024

Teaching the Art of Functional Programming using Automated Grading
Aliya Hameer (invited speaker)
Paper and slides

Online programming platforms have immense potential to improve students’ educational experience. They make programming more accessible, as no installation is required; and automatic grading facilities provide students with immediate feedback on their code, allowing them to to fix bugs and address errors in their understanding right away. However, these graders tend to focus heavily on the functional correctness of a solution, neglecting other aspects of students’ code and thereby causing students to miss out on a significant amount of valuable feedback. In this talk, we recount our experience in using the Learn-OCaml online programming platform to teach functional programming in a second-year university course on programming languages and paradigms. Moreover, we explore how to leverage Learn-OCaml’s automated grading infrastructure to make it easy to write more expressive graders that give students feedback on properties of their code beyond simple input/output correctness, in order to effectively teach elements of functional programming style. In particular, we describe our extensions to the Learn-OCaml platform that evaluate students on test quality and code style. By providing these tools and a suite of our own homework problems and associated graders, we aim to promote functional programming education, enhance students’ educational experience, and make teaching and learning typed functional programming more accessible to instructors and students alike, in our community and beyond.

July 9, 2024

A Gentle Introduction to Session Types
Chuta Sano

Not many people in our research group work on session types. Let's change that. I will be going over an abridged (and admittedly biased) history of session types from Honda to a more modern presentation of session types more closer to linear logic. My hope is to get the audience's feet wet with session types so that more "up to date" research on session types can follow!

July 2, 2024

Efficient Evaluation of Lazy Programs, or Compilation of Call-by-Need
Clare Jang

Lazy evaluation is a great tool for constructing a composable program: it helps us to use parser combinators without messing with recursions. It allows us to keep the optimal amortised time complexity for persistent data structures. It also opens a way to use co-data such as a stream. The question is: can we actually enjoy the benefits of lazy programming without harming real performance? In this talk, I will cover the reason why this is not trivial and two classic and most influential attempts to solve the issues: G-machine and Three-Instruction-Machine (TIM). These two show us the key ideas for evaluating and compiling a lazy program and provide guiding posts for more recent and practical methods (e.g. Spineless Tagless G-Machine and "Compiling without Continuation")

June 25, 2024

Pure Type Systems
Antoine Gaulin

Pure type systems (PTSs) provide a unified framework for describing type systems for the λ-calculus. This allows studying large classes of typed λ-calculi simultaneously. In particular, one can specify properties of type systems, such as predicativity, and prove meta-theoretic results conditional on these properties. While PTSs can describe a large variety of type systems, the λ-calculus is, on its own, impractical and difficult to use. A key advantage of PTS is that we can define extensions of the λ-calculus, say with pairs, definitions, etc., independently of the original type system. With suitable extensions, we obtain a framework capable of describing practical programming languages, including Standard ML. Moreover, it is possible study the impact of the new features on arbitrary type systems. In particular, one can define an extension and show that it preserves normalization, indicating that it is a safe extension.

June 18, 2024

A Bidirection Demand Semantics for Mechanized Cost Analysis of Lazy Programs
Maite Kramarz

Lazy evaluation is a powerful tool that enables better compositionality and potentially better performance in functional programming, but it is challenging to analyze its computation cost. Existing works either require manually annotating sharing, or rely on separation logic to reason about heaps of mutable cells. In this talk, we discuss a bidirectional demand semantics that allows for extrinsic reasoning about the computation cost of lazy programs without relying on special program logics. We demonstrate how this semantics can be applied to both simple sorting algorithms and more complex data structures which rely on laziness.

June 11, 2024

Yet Another Lecture on Normalization for Type Theory
Jason Hu

In this talk, I begin with a less well-known Goedel's Church's paradox to explain why even regular mathematics needs to resolve the halting problem if it carries a notion of computation. For a type theory, the halting problem is resolved by proving normalization, which asserts that all well-typed terms terminate. Continuing Jake's talk on definitional interpreters last week, I give a different normalization algorithm from the one I showed previously.

June 4, 2024

Continuation-Passing Style and Defunctionalization
Jacob Errington

Continuation-Passing Style (CPS) and defunctionalization (d17n) are two program transformations that when used in conjunction, witness a duality between imperative and declarative programming. Whereas CPS makes explicit the fine-grained control flow of a program, d17n eliminates higher-order functions. By combining these two transformations, we obtain a general strategy for transforming programs expressed declaratively into imperative programs: 1. convert the given program to CPS by introducing a functional parameter to accumulate pending operations in a stack; and 2. defunctionalize this accumulator to realize it as a first-order stack data structure. The resulting program takes on imperative qualities: its function calls are akin to gotos as those functions never return, and the parameters of those functions are sometimes akin to mutable variables. In this presentation I will quickly review the CPS transformation before introducing d17n in general. Then, I will explore a piece of functional programming folklore relating these concepts: I will demonstrate the application of the CPS+d17n transformation to a left-to-right, call-by-value interpreter for a lambda calculus, giving rise to a stack-based state transition system that is precisely the CEK machine of Felleisen and Friedman.

May 28, 2024

Type Error Localization
Max Kopinsky

Traditional implementations of strongly-typed functional programming languages often miss the root cause of type errors. As a consequence, type error messages are often misleading and confusing - particularly for students learning such a language. We describe Tyro, a type error localization tool which determines the optimal source of an error for ill-typed programs following fundamental ideas by Pavlinovic et al. : we first translate typing constraints into SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theories) using an intermediate representation which is more readable than the actual SMT encoding; during this phase we apply a new encoding for polymorphic types. Second, we translate our intermediate representation into an actual SMT encoding and take advantage of recent advancements in off-the-shelf SMT solvers to effectively find optimal error sources for ill-typed programs. Our design maintains the separation of heuristic and search also present in prior and similar work. In addition, our architecture design increases modularity, re-usability, and trust in the overall architecture using an intermediate representation to facilitate the safe generation of the SMT encoding. We believe this design principle will apply to many other tools that leverage SMT solvers. Our experimental evaluation reinforces that the SMT approach finds accurate error sources using both expert-labeled programs and an automated method for larger-scale analysis. Compared to prior work, Tyro lays the basis for large-scale evaluation of error localization techniques, which can be integrated into programming environments and enable us to understand the impact of precise error messages for students in practice.

May 23, 2024

Extending Scala for Safe Concurrent Programming
Phillip Haller (invited speaker)

Concurrent programming is notorious for hazards such as data races and deadlocks. At the same time, program executions are difficult to reproduce due to various sources of nondeterminism, complicating the debugging of concurrent programs. These challenges have motivated work on ensuring safety statically using type systems. Type-based prevention of data races is a major challenge in the context of object-oriented programming languages due to pervasive mutation and aliasing. In addition, extending the type systems of existing languages is a challenge, preventing recent advances from practical use. This talk presents LaCasa, a language and type system extending Scala with uniqueness typing and heap isolation. Goals of the language extension include (a) integrating with the full Scala language, (b) minimizing the overhead of type annotations, and (c) enabling the reuse of existing code without source code changes. We show how LaCasa prevents data races in concurrent programs based on the actor model. We then present a variant, Parallel LaCasa, which extends data-race safety to the Async-Finish model. Finally, we discuss the relation to

May 21, 2024

Code generation on OCaml by LLMs
Jaylene Zhang


May 14, 2024

"Un"-intuitionistic logic
Chuta Sano


May 7, 2024

Polymorphism in Adjoint Foundation of Metaprogramming
Clare Jang


April 30, 2024

Contextual Refinement Types
Antoine Gaulin


April 23, 2024

Dependent Layered Modal Type Theory
Jason Hu
