
Prof. Sanjiva Prasad - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Oct. 19, 2018, 2:30 p.m. - Oct. 19, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Trottier 2100

Hosted by: Prof. Prakash Panangaden

Energy consumption is a major concern in multicore systems. Perhaps the simplest strategy for reducing energy costs is to use only as many cores as necessary while still being able to deliver a desired quality of service. Motivated by earlier work on a dynamic (heterogeneous) core allocation scheme for H.264 video decoding that reduces energy costs while delivering desired frame rates, we formulate operationally the general problem of executing a sequence of actions on a reconfigurable machine while meeting a corresponding sequence of absolute deadlines, with the objective of reducing cost.

Using a transition system framework that associates costs (e.g., time, energy) with executing an action on a particular resource configuration, we formulate a very simple version of simulation relations for cumulative cost transition systems. This notion of simulation forms the basis for specifying deadline/budget-conformant executions, and appropriate notions for comparing such executions. We believe these simulation-based notions can provide the basis for an operational theory of optimal cost executions and performance guarantees for approximate solutions, in particular relating the notion of simulation from transition systems to that of competitive analysis used for, e.g., online algorithms.


Speaker Bio:

Sanjiva Prasad is a Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, where he has worked from 1994.   He is currently the Head of the the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.   He had earlier been the coordinator of the Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology, a research school within IIT Delhi between 2011-2015.   He completed his B. Tech from IIT Kanpur in 1985, and his PhD from Stony Brook University, NY in 1991, and has worked in research centres and universities in the US, Germany and Denmark.  His main research interests are in Programming Language Semantics, Formal Methods and Verification.  He is currently also involved in research in the use of IT for medical applications.