The School of computer Science offers to student groups and faculty members to book some rooms in the Trottier ans McConnell buildings.
*** Given the volume of reservation requests, we haven't the time to approve each individual request. To this end, reservations should be assumed approved with the understanding that we will follow up only in the case that a conflict arises. ***
Finally, PLEASE NOTE that you MUST now first establish a VPN connection with McGill before accessing any of our reservation sites!
The SOCS Facility booking System is split in two instances:
The School is currently very tight on available lab space for our undergraduates. As a result, we have had to make the following changes to our labs in Trottier:
The rooms available for reservations are:
*** Please note: Due to the volume of requests, confirmations emails are not sent. ***
To book a room, login to one of the instances with your CS username and password and select the date, time and room you want to book.