McGill Computer Science Camp

A deep dive into the world of computer science

What is the Camp?

Hosted by McGill University's School of Computer Science, The McGill Computer Science Camp is a training program for Quebec's students. You will work with McGill mentors and instructors to prepare for the Canadian Computing Olympiad. The first 3 days will focus on programming activities, with theory in the morning and hands-on practice in the afternoon. On Friday, participants will take part in a mini programming competition.

When is the Camp?

The camp will run from June 25 - 28

Where is the Camp?

The camp will be hosted at the McGill School of Computer Science on the downtown McGill campus.

What will the Camp cost?

The camp is free. Participants will be required to make a $30 deposit which will be reimbursed if they attend the whole camp. Lunch will also be provided free of charge. 

Who is it for?

The camp is for students who already have some experience with programming, and want to develop their skills even more! If you know how to write a for loop, then we encourage you to apply! We will have a limited number of spots and can only accept about 30 candidates. The most relevant applications will be selected.

Applications are due March 20th


Hone your understanding of advanced algorithms and data structures. 

Build Community

Become friends with other motivated and enthusiastic students who love computers as much as you do.


Use what you've learned to solve challenging Olympiad problems.

Have Fun

Tour McGill's campus, meet with professors, play games, and have a great time with your new friends. 


Contact for more information.