When is The McGill Computer Science Camp?
The Camp will run from June 23 - 27 from approximately 9am to 4pm.
How much does the Camp cost?
The camp is free.
Who is eligible for the Camp?
We welcome applications from all Secondary 4, Secondary 5 and first year CEGEP students.
How much programming knowledge should I have to participate in the Camp?
The Competitive Programming branch targets students who already have some degree of knowledge of computer programming, in a programming language like Python, Java, C, etc. If you know what a variable and a for loop is, then you have what it takes! If you know more, than even better
The Games branch welcomes everyone, with or without prior programming experience.Â
In the camp, we will focus on using Python.
Will you provide transportation to and from McGill?
Participants are expected to find their own transportation to and from McGill.