B <0;136;0chead> COMP-322 Course Materials - Winter 2013
Introduction to C++ -- Course Materials
Winter 2013


Specifications, supporting files and solutions to all assignments will be posted here as they become available.


General Assignment Material

Assignment 1

Due Tuesday, February 5th, 23:30. I'm posting the assignment before we have gotten to this material in class. I'll be posting the lecture notes for next week shortly so that you can view them as well. The main reason is to let people who are a bit unsure whether they want to take the course or not get started on things. It is not due for 3 weeks though.

Assignment 2

Due Friday, March 1st, 23:30. Updated: A few people have asked me about allowing submissions through a part of reading week. I am fine with this. So we'll accept assignments without late penalty until Wednesday March 6th at 11:59 PM. I still plan to release assignment 3 at the same time regardless (middle of next week.)

Assignment 3 : Rock paper scissor

Due Friday, March 22nd, 23:30.

Assignment 4 : Providing an implementation for vector class

Due Monday April 15th, 23:30.