COLT 2009 Instructions for Authors
Submissions should include the title, authors' names, postal and email addresses, and a 200-word summary of the paper suitable for the conference program. Submissions should not exceed 10 pages (including bibliography) in a two-column format. Authors should consult the following style file and sample LaTex source file. Authors should note that 10 pages is an upper limit and shorter submissions are encouraged.Papers should include a clear definition of the theoretical model used and a clear description of the results, as well as a discussion of their significance, including comparison to other work. While it is not expected that all full proofs can be included in the paper, authors should strive to present at least partial proofs that will enable the reviewers to understand the main ideas and methods used. The paper should also attempt to be as self-contained as possible.
Papers should be submitted electronically in pdf or ps format through the electronic submission web site, by February 13, 2009, 5:59pm PST.
For more information, consult the call for papers.