Fall Term Schedule 2003
September 29th
Monday, 4.30pm
Burnside 1205
Adrian Bondy
Université Lyon I and CNRS
Colourings and cycle covers in digraphs
October 6th
Monday, 4.30pm
Burnside 1205
Frederic Havet
CNRS and INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Median order in tournaments
October 20th
Monday, 4.30pm
Burnside 1205
Nikolaos Fountoulakis
McGill University
The mixing time of a random walk on a random graph
October 27th
Monday, 4.30pm
Burnside 1205
Caterina De Simone
CNR Rome
Edge colouring
November 10th
Monday, 4.30pm
Burnside 1205
Peter McNamara
Questions of Schur-Positivity
To be rescheduled.
Bruce Shepherd
Bell Labs
Demand-packing problems and maximum revenue bandwidth allocation
December 1st
Monday, 4.30pm
Burnside 1205
Peter Keevash
The exact Turán number of the Fano plane
Winter 2003See also the McGill Algorithms Seminar.
Fall 2002
Winter 2002
Seminar Coordinator : Adrian VettaThe other organisers are : D. Avis (CS), W. Brown (Math), D. Bryant (Math/CS), L. Devroye (CS), B. Reed (CS), V. Rosta (Math), G. Toussaint (CS), and S. Whitesides (CS).