Discrete Mathematics and Optimization Seminar
CNRS and INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Monday October 6th at 4.30pm
Burnside 1205
Title. Median order in tournaments.
A median order in a digraph is an ordering v_1, v_2,..., v_n that
minimizes the number of arcs (v_i,v_j) with i>j.
A tournament is an orientation of the arcs of a complete undirected graph.
In this talk, median orders are used to prove results
about the two
following conjectures.
The first one due to Seymour asserts that every digraph
contains a vertex
whose second outneighborhood larger or equal to its
(first) outneighborhood.
The second one due to Sumner states that a tournament
of order 2n-2
contains (as a subdigraph) every oriented tree of order n.
We prove Seymour's conjecture for tournaments and
Sumner's for
arborescences. We also prove that a tournament of order 3.5n
contains (as a subdigraph) every oriented tree of order n.