McGill Seminar on Discrete Mathematics and Optimization
Jointly Organized
School of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Program Fall 2002
- September 9 (Monday)
Burnside Hall 1205, 17:00 -- 18:00
- Alexei Miasnikov (Math/Stat, McGill University)
- Data mining in solving hard mathematical problems
- September 11 (Wednesday)
Burnside Hall 1205, 17:00 -- 18:00
- Sylvain Lazard (Inria-Loria, France)
- Robust intersection of quadric surfaces
- October 9 (Wednesday)
McConnell 103, 17:00 -- 18:00 BR>
- Gyula Karolyi (Math, Eotvos University, Hungary)
- An Erdos-Szekeres type problem in the plane
- October 15 (Tuesday)
Burnside Hall 1205, 16:45 -- 17:45 (Jointly with Applied Math Seminar)
- Dmitry Jakobson (Math/Stat, McGill)
- Extremal metrics on graphs
- October 21 (Monday)
Macdonald Harrington G-10, 17:15 -- 18:30
- William R. Pulleyblank (IBM Research, USA)
- Proteins, petaflops and algorithms
- October 28 (Monday)
Burnside Hall 1205, 17:00 -- 18:00
- Frank Ruskey (CS, University of Victoria)
- A fast gray code listing of the perfect elimination orderings of a chordal graph
- November 6 (Wednesday)
Burnside Hall 1205, 17:00 -- 18:00
- Bojan Mohar (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Circular chromatic number of weighted graphs and digraphs
- November 14 (Thursday)
Burnside Hall 920, 17:00 -- 18:00 <- New room and unusual day
- Dieter Rautenbach (RWTH-Aachen, Germany)
- Combinatorial reconstruction problems
and width parameters of graphs
- November 25 (Monday)
Burnside Hall 1205, 17:00 -- 18:00
- Andrei A. Bulatov (Oxford University, UK)
- The complexity of constraint satisfaction: an algebraic approach
Past Events: Winter 2002
Related Links: McGill Algorithms Seminar
D. Avis (CS),
W. Brown (Math)
D. Bryant (CS/Math),
L. Devroye (CS),
K. Fukuda (CS),
B. Reed (CS), V. Rosta (Math),
G. Toussaint (CS) and S. Whitesides (CS).
Coordinators (email):
Komei Fukuda (CS) and
Vera Rosta (Math)
Mailing List Maintainer (email):
Steven Robbins
This page:
Last updated: 2002-11-12