Comments: Floating and exact arithmetic. Efficient for highly degenerate cases. The exact version cddr+ is much slower. It can remove redundancies from input data using a built-in LP code. cddlib is a C-library with basic polyhedral conversion functions and LP solvers. cddlib can be compiled with both GMP rational (mpq) and floating point arithmetic.
Comments: Exact arithmetic only, efficient for nondegenerate cases. Uses a little memory and perhaps the only available code which can deal with problems generating huge output (say, one million vertices/facets).
Comments: Exact arithmetic only, efficient for dually nondegenerate cases.
Comments: Floating arithmetic only but handles numerical problems well. Highly efficient for nondegenerate cases. User can call it as a C-libary.
Comments: Efficient for combinatorial (e.g. 0-1) polytopes. Guarantees correct numerical results as long as double precision integer arithmetic does not overflow. It can list all integer solutions in a polytope.
One can generate convex polytopes and do various computations with convex polyhedra. It uses cdd+/porta/lrs for representation conversions. It is extendable by writing own "rules" to generate new structures/data associated with polyhedra.
Comments: In general, the straightforward backtrack algorithm for the vertex enumeration problem must solve NP-complete decision problems, as it was shown in [FLM97]. The situation is different for 0-1 polytopes and the problem is strongly polynomially solvable. The code can generate all 0-1 points in a general H-polytope. It relies on the commercial LP solver CPLEX.