What is cell complex?
Frequently Asked Questions in
Is there any efficient
Voronoi Diagram and Delaunay Triangulation
What is cell complex? What is triangulation?
What is Voronoi diagram in
What is the Delaunay triangulation in
Computing the Delaunay complex and the Voronoi diagram. What does it mean and how to do it with available software?
Sample session with cdd+
Is it possible to compute only the adjacencies of Voronoi cells in the Voronoi diagram efficiently?
Sample session with cdd+
Is it possible to compute only the edges of the Delaunay complex (triangulation) ?
Is it possible to determine the Delaunay cell containing a given point efficiently?
Sample session with cdd+
What is the best upper bound of the numbers of simplices in the Delaunay triangulation?
Komei Fukuda 2004-08-26