Implementation Details


The implementation of fast, practical routines for drawing Superquadrics was a primary concern for this project. The organization of the code, with the help of an object oriented approach, was an important part of achieving this goal. In particular, the code needed to be flexible enough that we could write multiple demonstration programs which all share the same code base. This code organization effort had to be balanced with the desire for fast efficient code. In particular, the algorithm which does the actual drawing of a superquadric needed a lot of fine tuning before we started to get good results.



OpenGl was a suitable library for our project, being a popular and powerful 3D graphics API. We used an OpenGL compatible freeware library called MESA, but our code is easily adapted to any platform that supports OpenGL or MESA. Because the OpenGL library provides low-level primitives for raytracing, lighting and other important functions, we were able to concentrate on the important issues related to superquadrics, instead of spending a lot of time trying to implement such primitives ourselves.

A Java implementation would have been nice, allowing us to make our applications available for easy execution on the World Wide Web. However Java does not have suitable 3D primitives, nor the performance necessary for these graphically intensive calculations.


OpenGL, like most APIs, provides a C interface. Although there are some potential advantages of using C as our tool for adding Superquadric functions, we felt the code organization provided by an object oriented approach outweighted these advantages. By using C++ we can take advantage of inheritance and abstraction to produce a Superquadric class that is easy to incorporate into any OpenGL program, while still offering enough functionality to produce the full range of superquadric shapes.

Another option would have been to follow the example of the quadric primitives (spheres, toroids, etc) that are part of the OpenGL Auxiliary Library, and to provide our superquadrics as OpenGL-style primitives with a C interface.

The Superquadric Class

The Superquadric class hierarchy is the most important code in the program. The SuperQuadric class is an abstract class that contains the data and code that is common to all of the superquadric types. The four types of superquadrics are subclasses of this class, each containing the code and data that is specific to its type. This organization means that the rest of the code rarely needs to know the type of superquadric with which it is dealing.


The heart of our project is the actual drawing of the superquadric object. As described earlier, the surface can be described by a simple function that varies by two angles, eta and omega. A second function defines the normal of the surface in terms of the values of eta and omega. The other values in the function: a1, a2, a3, e1 and e2 are all properties of a particular superquadric and are held constant during the rendering calculation.

In general, when drawing a surface, it is desirable to choose sampling points that are not uniform, but instead vary in intensity depending on the curvature of the surface at each position. Fortunately, sampling the surface using steady increments of eta and omega has this effect naturally, which is a very useful property of superquadrics.

The following example is two views of a box-like superellipsoid, showing how the surfaces that are nearly flat are represented with large polygons, while the areas that are curved are represented by many small polygons.

In our code we produce polygons, each with four vertices, to approximate the superquadric's surface. In principal the idea behind drawing a superquadric is very simple, as shown in the following code snippet:

    glBegin (GL_QUADS);

    for (n = n_init; n < n_final; n += n_inc)
        for (w = w_init; w < w_final; w += w_inc)
            this->GetPoint(p1, n, w);
            this->GetNormal(p1, n, w);

            this->GetPoint(p1, n, w + w_inc);
            this->GetNormal(p1,n, w+w_inc);

            this->GetPoint(p1, n + n_inc, w + w_inc);
            this->GetNormal(p1,n + n_inc, w + w_inc);

            this->GetPoint(p1, n + n_inc, w);
            this->GetNormal(p1, n + n_inc, w);

    glEnd ();

We vary eta and omega (ie n and w) over their correct range and calculate polygons. The range of values for eta and omega depends on the Superquadric type (thisinformation is set by the constructor). Also the value of the position and normal of a particular point depends on the superquadric type, so we call the GetPoint() and GetNormal() functions, which are virtual. The actual algorithm that is used is significantly more efficient because it makes use of the following techniques:

Efficient Vertex Calculation

Obviously this naive approach is not suitable for the real implementation. Firstly, the calculation of each point is a fairly complex floating point calculation; therefore, the above code is being inefficient by calculating each point four times. To avoid this we store the data in a temporary two dimensional array, and then produce the polygons from this array. An implementation that uses only O(n) memory instead of O(n*n) memory is possible but would have made our code more difficult to understand and debug.

Joined Surfaces

In some cases the objects wrap around and should properly connect to form a complete surface. When working with extreme values of e1 and e2 the errors from the the calculation were strong enough to produce visible gaps in the surface of objects like the superellipsoid which should be a self enclosed solid. To solve this problem the data is adjusted to ensure that the sample point values are used for vertices that are meant to be the same.

Avoided Recalculation

We used OpenGl display lists to store the polygons that are calculated. Whenever the object is redisplayed, it makes use of these stored vertices rather than recalculating all the data. Therefore the rotation and translation operations can occur very quickly. Only when some attribute of the object itself changes do we need to recalculate it.

Polygon Culling

There are some OpenGL display issues that are tightly related to our surfaces. For example, a superellipsoid is self enclosed, so for efficiency we can enable culling of back-facing polygons and polygons inside the object should not be drawn. On the other hand, superhyperboloids are not self enclosed so we must draw both inside and outside surfaces.

All these efficiency techniques have been implemented and are used. The resulting code can be found in the SuperQuadric::Calculate() and SuperQuardric::Show() methods which are in the superq.cpp file.


As mentioned above, there is a heirarchy of classes representing the superquadric family. There are also classes encapsulating OpenGl features we used in our demos. The following is a list of these classes.
This is the virtual base class for all the superquadrics types. It contains all the code that is shared by all the types, including the all important calculate() function.
SuperEllipse, SuperHyperboloid1, SuperHyperboloid2, SuperToroid
These are the four classes that contain the code that is specific for each superquadric type. Each class provides its own GetNormal() and GetPosition() function to use the correct formula for each different object, (as described in the section on the mathematical background). The special case of drawing both sheets of the superhyperboloid with two sheets is handled easily by overloading the Calculate() function.
GlobalEnv contains important functions for using OpenGL. It provides functions to display a superquadrics, create a superquadric, set up a simple sighting situation.
Encapsulates OpenGl material settings. This class allows the user to easily associate a material with each object, or alternatively to have a set of materials which can be alternately be applied to one or many objects.
Encapsulates OpenGL global lighting functions, such as global ambient light.
Encapsulates OpenGL lighting functions. 8 different lights can be defined. This class stores the settings for ambient, diffuse, & specular light, position, etc. The total code is fairly substantial, being about 3500 lines, including the 3 demos. It can be found in the code subdirectory of this project.

Writing More Demos

The functionality provided by our code is modular enough that writing more demos is really easy. Our given classes provide a solid framework for creating and displaying superquadrics such that only code which pertains to the actual workings of a new demo needs to be written. For example, classes GlobalEnv, Material, LightSource and LightModel provide useful functions for placing lights on the screen or displaying groups of superquadrics; however, you can also override these functions and provide your own.

Future demos could be more creative, perhaps showing animated superquadric objects doing various acrobatic actions. Or, they could be part of a more sophisticated rendered screen with texture mapped surfaces and better lighting. A third possibility is to extend our simple interactive demos to create a a flexible modeling system with a graphical interface.