Demo 2

Demo 2 can be used primarily to demonstrate how the two exponents e1 and e2 affect the superquadrics that are being drawn. A 4 by 4 array of superquadrics is drawn, with e1 increasing from left to right and e2 decreasing from top to bottom.

Demo Features

Range of Exponents

The user can specify the range of values through which the exponent parameters should vary. In our examples, the exponents range from 0.3 to 3.0. Other ranges also produce interesting results.


There are 6 lights that can be toggled on and off just like in demo1.

Other Features

You can toggle wire frame mode on and off. You can also choose the precision. Because 16 superquadrics are drawn, it is more practical to use a smaller precision value.


SuperQuadric Viewer Program - Demo #2 

Enter object type (1 - 4) : 2
Enter precision (1 - fast, 8 - recommended, 16 - really nice) : 10
Enter Enter Lower Exponent Value (Between 0.1 and 10.0, Recommend: 0.3): 0.3
Enter Enter Upper Exponent Value (Between 0.1 and 10.0, Recommend: 3.0): 3.0
This produces the example at the top of this page.