BIRCH - Adding
locally-installed programs and documentation
Goal: To add
programs or documentation to the local BIRCH installation in
such a way that the users cannot distinguish what is in the BIRCH core
from what has been added locally.
Note: We are currently in the process
of replacing GDE with bioLegato. At present, bioLegato reads GDE menu
files, so all changes to GDE are automatically incorporated into
bioLegato as well.
Summary: For binaries,
this is accomplished simply by adding programs to already-existing
local/bin or local/script directories. To launch
locally-installed programs from bioLegato or GDE, you can add
GDE menu items to the local/dat/GDE/makemenus/menus directory. These
new menu items are merged into the BIRCH core GDE menus by the script. For documentation, we need to add paths and
descriptions of the documentation to the local copy of the birchdb
database. The script merges local and BIRCH core
documentation into a single set of web pages. Remember: all of these changes are
automatically merged into BIRCH each time you update BIRCH.