Example: Staden Package | |
The Staden package should be
installed in a directory such as staden-1.5.3, indicating the version
number, with a symbolic link named 'staden'. The documentation
and data directories are pointed to by symbolic links from the
$local/doc and $local/dat directories, respectively. The staden
symbolic link should be the only link that needs to be changed when the
package is upgraded to a new version. The Staden package is unusual in that it has login scripts: login.source and profile.source. These scripts set the $STADENROOT environment variable as the location of the Staden package, as well as other variables that are built from $STADENROOT. Although the Staden documentation recommends that one of these scripts be run at login time, the scripts set the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which could interfere with getting other programs to run. The safest alternative is to run each application from a wrapper script that calls staden.login or staden.profile. $BIRCH/script contains wraper scripts called pregap4, gap4, spin and trev that run the Staden binaries of the same names. Consequently, if you install Staden locally, these scripts will automatically run these programs correctly. |
staden-1.5.3 ..... doc linux-bin staden.login staden.profile userdata staden-->../pkg/staden/doc
$local/dat staden-->../pkg/staden/userdata