TouchRAM is a multitouch-enabled tool for agile software design modeling aimed at developing scalable and reusable software design models. The tool gives the designer access to a vast library of reusable design models encoding essential recurring design concerns. It exploits model interfaces and aspect-oriented model weaving techniques as defined by the Reusable Aspect Models (RAM) approach to enable the designer to rapidly apply reusable design concerns within the design model of the software under development.
TouchRAM is built on top of the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), Kermeta, and MT4J (multi-touch library for Java). The current version has been tested on or 32 and 64 bit architectures on the Mac OSX, Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) platforms.
TouchRAM currently supports:
•Aspect hierarchies
•Structural view (class diagram editing, displaying, and weaving)
•Message view (sequence diagram weaving and displaying only)
•State view (displaying only)
•Simple consistency checks
Planned in the near future:
•Message view editing
•State view editing and weaving)
•UML import / export
•Elaborate consistency checks
•Conflict resolution models
•Code generation
Screenshots and Videos

Download TouchRAM
The latest packaged build of TouchRAM can be downloaded here:
• TouchRAM has been renamed to TouchCORE in Fall 2014. TouchCORE is essentially TouchRAM with full support for concern-orientation. We recommend that you use TouchCORE from now on. Please goto the TouchCORE page to download the latest build.
• (~32.1 MB) (April 2014 version with support for message view editing and basic support for concern-orientation. Demoed at AOSD 2014 in Lugano)
•TouchRAM (~30.9 MB) (November 2013 version, Windows requirements: Java 1.6 or 1.7, Mac requirements: runs on Java 1.6 only (will not run on Java 1.7))
• TouchRAM (~53.7 MB) (June 2013 version, Windows requirements: Java 1.6 or 1.7, Mac requirements: runs on Java 1.6 only (will not run on Java 1.7))
Simply unzip the file and double click TouchRAM.jar (or TouchRAM.bat if you are running Windows). There is a Quick Reference guide in the distribution that briefly explains the mouse / touch commands. Also, the Settings.txt file can be modified to enable antialiasing / windowed execution mode, if desired.
System Requirements
•Windows/Linux/Mac with 1.6 (1.7 is not supported on the Mac)
•Graphics card with support for Open/GL (If you want to run TouchRAM without Open/GL, consult the Settings.txt file)
Publications on TouchRAM
•Wisam Al Abed, Valentin Bonnet, Matthias Schöttle, Omar Alam, Jörg Kienzle: “TouchRAM: A A Multitouch-Enabled Tool for Aspect-Oriented Software Design”, 5th International Conference on Software Language Engineering, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 26th - Oct 28th, 2012.
•Jörg Kienzle: Reusing Software Design Models with TouchRAM, demo presented at Modularity:aosd 2013, Fukuoka, Japan, March 26th / 27th, 2013.
•Thomas Di’Meco: “Développement Logiciel Orienté-Aspect avec TouchRAM”, Diploma Thesis report, Polytech Nice-Sophia, France, Auguest 2014.
Last modified: February 25, 2016, Jörg Kienzle