Introduction to Computer Science (COMP-250)

Winter 2014


As of Wednesday, January 15, an overflow room has been set up, in order to allow everyone from the waiting list to register. This room is ARTS 145 on Mondays and ARTSW-120 on Wednesdays and Fridays. This extra space should allow sufficient capacity so everyone who needs to take the course is able to do so.

As of Friday, January 10, the class has moved to MAASS 112 to be able to accomodate the enrollment.

The lectures are being recorded. You can download the recordings from the lecture recording website (they are also available inside WebCT). The recording process was somewhat flaky at the beginning of the term.

The MyCourses page for the course has been activated. Note that we will be using MyCourses only for bulletin board, announcements, discussions and for the submission and grading of the assignments. Lecture notes and assignments are available form this web page. You may use the labs on the 3rd floor in the Trottier building to work on the assignemnts.

General Information

Where: Otto Maass room 112; overflow room in the Arts building

When: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:35 - 10:35am.

What: An introduction to the design of computer algorithms, including basic data structures, analysis of algorithms, establishing correctness of programs and program testing. Overview of topics in Computer Science.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with a high level programming language and CEGEP-level mathematics. If you have any doubts regarding whether your background satisfies the requirements, please contact the course instructor.


Doina Precup
School of Computer Science
Office: McConnell Engineering building, room 111N (left from elevators)
Office Hours: Monday 10:30am - 12:30pm and Friday 10:30-11:30am. Meetings at other times by appointment only
Phone: (514) 398-6443

Teaching assistants


  1. Lecture notes and other relevant materials will be available from the lectures web page.
  2. For bulletin board and discussions log on to MyCourses
  3. Suggested gfree textbook: Allen B. Downey, How to think like a computer scientist - Java version.
  4. Suggested text: Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia. Data structures and algorithms in Java.