Lecture slides and related source code will be posted here.
Date |
Topic(s) |
2013-01-08 |
- (lecture)
- For help installing G++ on Windows see the following link: http://www.cmc.edu/pages/faculty/alee/g++/g++.html. If you have a Mac or linux g++ is most likely already installed. Note that the version linked is a slightly older version of c++. However, I believe for the purpose of this course it should be sufficient (and the instructions are pretty good). You can also follow the instructions from the link except use the exe from the following link if you prefer: Cygwin
- hello.cpp
- After installing g++, you can compile the above by typing (from a command prompt) g++ -o hello hello.cpp Do not type g++ -o hello.cpp hello.cpp as I mistakedly did and had to rewrite the program :)
2013-01-15 |
Basics of C++
2013-01-22 |
Pointers and References
2013-01-29 |
Memory Management
2011-02-04 |
Standard Library basics
2013-02-12 |
Object oriented basics , defining classes
2013-02-19 |
Review of object oriented programming basics, inheritance/polymorphism
2013-03-12 |
More on polymorphism and inheritance
2013-03-19 |
Overloading operators and Exceptions
2013-03-26 |
Defining our own iterators and templates.