Vishnu V. Narayan

CV   //   vvn at illinois dot edu

Vishnu V. Narayan

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where I enjoy being hosted by Ruta Mehta and Jugal Garg. Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow with the wonderful Michal Feldman at Tel Aviv University.

I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science under the excellent supervision of Adrian Vetta at McGill University, where we worked on analyzing auction equilibria and on fair division. I have an M.Math. degree (Combinatorics and Optimization) from the University of Waterloo, where I was fortunate to be advised by Joseph Cheriyan and where we analyzed approximation algorithms for graph connectivity.


C11. Proportionally Fair Makespan Approximation
with M. Feldman, J. Garg, and T. Ponitka
AAAI 2025    [Oral Presentation ]
C10. Breaking the Envy Cycle: Best-of-Both-Worlds Guarantees for Subadditive Valuations
with M. Feldman, S. Mauras, and T. Ponitka
EC 2024
C9. Fair Division via Quantile Shares
with Y. Babichenko, M. Feldman, and R. Holzman
STOC 2024    [Highlights Beyond EC 2024 ]  (talk link)
J5. The Speed and Threshold of the Biased Perfect Matching and Hamilton Cycle Games
with N. Brustle, S. Clusiau, N. Ndiaye, B. Reed and B. Seamone
Discrete Applied Mathematics (2023)
Supersedes C5 and C6
C8. Fair Chore Division Under Binary Supermodular Costs
with S. Barman and P. Verma
AAMAS 2023 (extended abstract)
J4. Online Coloring and a New Type of Adversary for Online Graph Problems
with Y. Li and D. Pankratov
Algorithmica (2022)
Supersedes C4
J3. The Declining Price Anomaly is not Universal in Multi-Buyer Sequential Auctions (but almost is)
with E. Prebet and A. Vetta
Theory of Computing Systems (2022)
Supersedes C2
J2. Risk-Free Bidding in Complement-Free Combinatorial Auctions
with G. Rayaprolu and A. Vetta
Theory of Computing Systems (2022)
Supersedes C1
C7. Two Birds With One Stone: Fairness and Welfare via Transfers
with M. Suzuki and A. Vetta
SAGT 2021
C6. The Speed and Threshold of the Biased Hamilton Cycle Game
with N. Brustle, S. Clusiau, N. Ndiaye, B. Reed and B. Seamone
LAGOS 2021
C5. The Speed and Threshold of the Biased Perfect Matching Game
with N. Brustle, S. Clusiau, N. Ndiaye, B. Reed and B. Seamone
LAGOS 2021
C4. Online Coloring and a New Type of Adversary for Online Graph Problems
with Y. Li and D. Pankratov
WAOA 2020  (talk link)
C3. One Dollar Each Eliminates Envy
with J. Brustle, J. Dippel, M. Suzuki and A. Vetta
EC 2020  (talk link)
J1. The Matching Augmentation Problem: A 7/4-Approximation Algorithm
with J. Cheriyan, J. Dippel, F. Grandoni and A. Khan
Mathematical Programming (2020)
C2. The Declining Price Anomaly is not Universal in Multi-Buyer Sequential Auctions (but almost is)
with E. Prebet and A. Vetta
SAGT 2019    [Best Paper Award ]
C1. Risk-Free Bidding in Complement-Free Combinatorial Auctions
with G. Rayaprolu and A. Vetta
SAGT 2019


T2. Multi-item Auctions and Fair Division
Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University (2022)
T1. Approximating Minimum-Size 2-Edge-Connected and 2-Vertex-Connected Spanning Subgraphs
M.Math. Thesis, University of Waterloo (2017)