School of Computer Science
Computer Science COMP 199 (Winter term)
Excursions in Computing Science
% oneMolecAvg.m oneMolecExpAvg.m
% function [sumAC,MTBC] = oneMolecAvg(timeStep,noSteps,noIts) THM 110523
%(adapted 110606 from autocorrgas/oneMolecAvg.m, simplified almost back to orig)
% input: integer timeStep gives a fixed time between "collisions",
% i.e., before the "velocity" randomly changes, but, depending on internal
% parameter mult , step size will be multiplied by mult 1/mult of the time
% integer noSteps gives number of these steps.
% output: MTBC is mean time between collisions, from TTBC/noColl
% sumAC is sum of all terms of autocorrelation: use ac = autocorrel(velseq)
% noIts times and accumulate into acc
% Also plots the two autocorrelations
function [sumAC,MTBC] = oneMolecAvg(timeStep,noSteps,noIts)
mult = 1; % internal parameter: good results only for mult = 1
TTBC = 0;
for it = 1:noIts
velIndx = 1;
for j = 1:noSteps-1 % calculate random velocities after each "coll."
vs = randn(1); % new vel after each coll: normal
if mod(j,mult)==0 % step size * mult, 1/mult of the time
for k = 1:mult*timeStep % mult*timestep for one j
velseq(:,velIndx) = vs; % repeat for size of mult*timeStep
velIndx = velIndx + 1;
end % for k
TTBC = TTBC + mult*timeStep;
else % doubling, added 110523
for k = 1:timeStep % timeStep for all other j
velseq(:,velIndx) = vs; % repeat for size of timeStep
velIndx = velIndx + 1;
end % for k
TTBC = TTBC + timeStep;
end % if mod() % doubling, added 110523
end % for j
ac = autocorrelND(velseq); % autocorrel normalized to 1 for lag 0
if it==1
acc = ac; % initialize
acc = acc + ac; % sum of autocorrelations
end % if it
end % for it
acc = acc/noIts; % average of autocorrelations
MTBC = TTBC/(noSteps-1)/noIts; % goes with mult
sizeV = size(velseq);
sizeV2 = sizeV(2);
sumAC = sum(acc);
% function [sumAC,MTBC] = oneMolecExpAvg(intercolldist,noIts) THM 110607
%(adapted 110607 from oneMolecAvg.m, to use exponential distr of time intervals)
%(now these notes differ from the code: intercolldist generated internally)
% input: intercolldist is array of exponentially distributed time intervals
% whose size is the number of timesteps: must be generated externally
% to be reused noIts times---intercolldist = intercoll(1,noSteps,tau);
% otherwise get different sized velseq and hence ac
% noIts: is number of iterations for averaging
% output: MTBC is mean time between collisions, from TTBC/noColl
% sumAC is sum of all terms of autocorrelation: use ac = autocorrel(velseq)
% noIts times and accumulate into acc
% Also plots the autocorrelation
function [sumAC,MTBC] = oneMolecExpAvg(tau,noSteps,noIts)
% sizeIntercolldist = size(intercolldist);
% noSteps = sizeIntercolldist(2); % intercolldist is row vector
TTBC = 0;
totSumAC1 = 0;
totSumAC2 = 0;
for it = 1:noIts
velIndx = 1;
intercolldist = intercoll(1,noSteps,tau);
for j = 1:noSteps % calculate random velocities after each "coll."
vs = randn(1); % new vel after each coll: normal
timeStep = intercolldist(j); % exponentially distributed
for k = 1:timeStep; % timeStep for all other j
velseq(:,velIndx) = vs; % repeat for size of timeStep
velIndx = velIndx + 1;
end % for k
TTBC = TTBC + timeStep;
end % for j
ac = autocorrelND(velseq); % autocorrel normalized to 1 for lag 0
% display(['oneMolecExpAvg: size(velseq) = ' num2str(size(velseq)) ', size(ac) = ' num2str(size(ac))]) % test only
sizeV = size(velseq);
sizeV2 = sizeV(2);
sumAC1 = sum(ac(sizeV2:2*sizeV2-1));
% display(['oneMolecExpAvg: sumAC = ' num2str(sumAC1)])
totSumAC1 = totSumAC1 + sumAC1;
totSumAC2 = totSumAC2 + sumAC1^2;
% if it==1
% acc = ac; % initialize
% else
% acc = acc + ac; % sum of autocorrelations
% end % if it
end % for it
% acc = acc/noIts; % average of autocorrelations
MTBC = TTBC/noSteps/noIts;
sumAC = totSumAC1/noIts;
stdAC = sqrt((totSumAC2 - totSumAC1^2/noIts)/noIts);
display(['oneMolecExpAvg: mean sumAC = ' num2str(sumAC) ', stDev sumAC = ' num2str(stdAC)]) % test only
% sizeV = size(velseq);
% sizeV2 = sizeV(2);
% plot(1-sizeV2:sizeV2-1,acc)
% sumAC = sum(acc);
% sumAC = sum(acc(sizeV2:2*sizeV2-1)); % non-negative terms only
% display(['oneMolecExpAvg: size(velseq) = ' num2str(sizeV2) ', size(ac) = ' num2str(size(acc))]) % test only