School of Computer Science
Computer Science COMP 199 (Winter term)
Excursions in Computing Science
% 2D kinetic gas simulator and support programs in order of appearance
% (Anything ending Sim.m is a modification of collSim.m: compare!)
% molCollWallCountBot.m moleculeCollide.m
% molCollWallWhen.m
% condif.m implies.m
% nonnegrows.m minrows.m
% moleculeCollWhen.m moleculeInit.m
% genDirection.m genNormal.m
% collSim.m
% molDatHisto.m statSim.m
% momenCumHisto.m molDataDistr.m
% cumuSim.m
% FTfluct.m FTfluctAgg.m
% momAvgHisto.m FTfluctVar.m
% manyInits.m
% energyHisDis.m entrSim.m
% molCollWallWhen.m (reprise) molCollWallCountBot.m (reprise)
% tmptureSim.m
% smooth2enerIgn.m
% presSim.m press2Sim.m
% chmpotSim.m
% function p = molCollWallCountBot(pb,1,1,abcd,r,c,0) THM 101025
% given vectors momentum pb, box boundaries abcd, position c; scalar radius r
% find new momentum p
function p = molCollWallCountBot(pb,tmult,bmult,abcd,r,c,cntB)
% tmult = 1; bmult = 1; cntB = 0; % for future refinement
abr = abcd - [-r,r,-r,r]; % extend wall to _centre_ of molecule
p = pb; % initialize: momentum out = momentum in
if c(1) < abr(1) | c(1) > abr(2) | c(2) < abr(3) | c(2) > abr(4)
display(['molCollWallCountBot: ' num2str(c') ' out of box ' num2str(abr)])
elseif (c(1)==abr(1) | c(1)==abr(2)) & (c(2)==abr(3) | c(2)==abr(4)), p = -pb;
% 4 corners: reverse momentum
elseif c(1)==abr(1) | c(1)==abr(2), p(1) = -pb(1);%side wall: reverse x-momentum
elseif c(2) == abr(4), p(2) = -pb(2); %top: reverse y-momentum
elseif c(2) == abr(3), p(2) = -pb(2); %bot: reverse y-momentum
else display('molCollWallCountBot: no wall collision')
end %if
% function [p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(m1,m2,p1b,p2b,0,C12) THM 101025
% input masses (units don't matter: only ratios used)
% initial momenta (typically opposite signs): column vectors
% C12 is column vector connecting centres at collision time = c2 - c1
% output momentum column vectors
function [p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(m1,m2,p1b,p2b,mhf,C12)
mhf = 0; % for future refinement
pc = p1b + p2b; % momentum of CoM
a = m1/(m1+m2); % dimensionless ratio for conversion to CoM
p1bc = p1b - a*pc; % CoM momentum of first molecule
p2bc = p2b - (1-a)*pc; % CoM momentum of second molecule % p2bc = - p1bc
c12 = C12/sqrt(C12'*C12); % normalize centre-to-centre vector
reflect = 2*c12*c12' - eye(dim(1)); % reflection matrix: Week 7c Note 8
p1c = -reflect*p1bc; % CoM momentum after collision
p2c = -p1c; % CoM momentum after collision
p1 = p1c + a*pc; % convert back from CoM coordinates
p2 = p2c + (1-a)*pc; % ditto
% function [t,c] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,abcd) THM 101025
% find
% time of collision, t
% centre after collision:
% [a-r;y] for right, [r-a;y] for left, [x;b-r] for top, [x,r-b] for bottom
% - could use sum of appropriate for corner, but let's default to wall
% if a tie, then schedule an immediate hit on top or bottom
% given
% centre of molecule at time 0, column vector cb
% momentum, column vector p
% mass (amu), M
% vector abcd describing box (abcd(1),abcd(2))*(abcd(3),abcd(4))
% uses v = condif(cond,then,els);
% z = implies(x,y);
% found = nonnegrows(matrix);
% found = minrows(matrix);
function [t,c] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,abcd)
m = M*10.36; % convert from amu to milli-eV (ps/nm)^2
v = p/m; % velocity
% distances from location cb to wall or middle horizontal diaphragm
dap = abcd(2) - r - cb(1); % positive distance to vertical wall
dav = abcd(1) + r - cb(1); % negative distance to vertical wall
dbp = abcd(4) - r - cb(2); % positive distance to horizontal wall
dbv = abcd(3) + r - cb(2); % negative distance to horizontal wall
% if distance==0 then depend on sign of v ; time is dist/v; new molecule pos, c
record(1,:) = condif(implies(dap==0,v(1)>0),[dap/v(1),abcd(2)-r,cb(2)+v(2)*dap/v(1)],[inf,0,0]);
record(2,:) = condif(implies(dav==0,v(1)<0),[dav/v(1),abcd(1)+r,cb(2)+v(2)*dav/v(1)],[inf,0,0]);
record(3,:) = condif(implies(dbp==0,v(2)>0),[dbp/v(2),cb(1)+v(1)*dbp/v(2),abcd(4)-r],[inf,0,0]);
record(4,:) = condif(implies(dbv==0,v(2)<0),[dbv/v(2),cb(1)+v(1)*dbv/v(2),abcd(3)+r],[inf,0,0]);
next = minrows(nonnegrows(record)); % 2 identical if corner, else 1
sizeNext = size(next); % display test only
t = next(1,1); % time is smallest of the 5 times
c = [next(1,2);next(1,3)]; % new position of molecule 4 corresponding event
% function v = condif(cond,then,els) THM 101025
% conditional expression: getting around a MATLAB omission
function v = condif(cond,then,els)
if cond, v = then; else v = els; end % if
% function z = implies(x,y) THM 101025
% the Boolean expression x => y ("if x then y") is formally equivalent to
% ~x|y, which is the same as y|~x ("y or not x")
function z = implies(x,y)
z = ~x | y;
% function found = nonnegrows(matrix) THM 101025
% find rows of matrix whose first element is nonnegative
function found = nonnegrows(matrix)
sizeMatrix = size(matrix);
found = [];
for j = 1:sizeMatrix(1)
if matrix(j,1)>=0, found = [found; matrix(j,:)]; end % if
end % for j
% function found = minrows(matrix) THM 101025
% return all rows of a rectangular matrix with smallest first element
function found = minrows(matrix)
sizeMatrix = size(matrix);
found = matrix(1,:);
for j = 2:sizeMatrix(1)
if matrix(j,1) < found(1,1)
found = matrix(j,:);
elseif matrix(j,1) == found(1,1)
found = [found; matrix(j,:)];
end % if compare
end % for j
% function [t,c1,c2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M1,M2,r1,r2) THM 101025
% find
% time of collision, t (if imag(t)~=0 then no collision)
% centres of each molecule at collision, column vectors c1, c2
% given
% centres of each molecule at time 0, column vectors c1b, c2b
% masses and momenta of each molecule, M1, M2, column vectors p1b, p2b
% radii of each molecule, r1, r2
% uses x = quadratic(a,b,c)
function [t,c1,c2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M1,M2,r1,r2)
m1 = M1*10.36; % convert from amu to merts (meV(ps/nm)^2)
m2 = M2*10.36; % convert from amu to merts (meV(ps/nm)^2)
v1b = p1b/m1; % find velocity of first molecule (nm/ps)
v2b = p2b/m2; % find velocity of second molecule (nm/ps)
v = v1b - v2b; % make second molecule stationary
c = c1b - c2b; % centre second molecule at origin
r = r1 + r2; % expand 2nd molecule to radius r, shrink 1st to point
if v'*v==0, t = inf; c1 = c1b; c2 = c2b; return, end % if % parallel vels
t = min(quadratic(v'*v,2*c'*v,c'*c - r^2)); % display test only
c1 = c + v1b*t + c2b; % move 1st molecule, then transform 2nd away from origin
c2 = v2b*t + c2b; % transform 2nd away from origin
if t<-eps*10^3 | abs(imag(t))>eps % flag coincident or no collision
t = inf;
end % if t<0 |
% function molData = moleculeInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) THM 101026
% given number of molecules N, temperature T, molecular radius r (nm) and
% mass M (AMU);
% NB 40 degC == 313.15 degK == 27 meV (26.9935 using k = .0862)
% startRange is array (posLo, posHi, stdev, momLo, momHi) for the
% initial positions of the molecules (angles in degrees, stdev in nm)
% find N*7 array molData, columns cx,cy,px,py,r,M,E
% uses genDirection(range) (uniformly distributed angular direction)
% genNormal(stdev) (Normally distributed position on line, given stdev)
function molData = moleculeInit(N,T,startRange,r,M)
startDirRange = [startRange(1),startRange(2)]*pi/180;
stdev = startRange(3);
startLoc = [startRange(4),startRange(5)];
momDirRange = [startRange(6),startRange(7)]*pi/180;
%for k = 1:N
k = 1;
% duplicates = []; % track duplicates: test only
while true % loop over N molecules, but pass over any duplicates
dirStart = genDirection(startDirRange);
c = genNormal(stdev)*[cos(dirStart),sin(dirStart)] + startLoc;
dirMom = genDirection(momDirRange); % changed 100317
% uniform momenta (changed 100602,100606):
E = (1 + (2*rand(1)-1)*sqrt(2)/10)*0.0862*T; % avg +/- (-1 -- 1)rt2/10
p = sqrt(2*10.36*M*E)*[cos(dirMom),sin(dirMom)];
moldata = [c(1),c(2),p(1),p(2),r,M,E];
duplicate = false;
for j = 1:k-1 % a very slow way of checking for duplicates
if min(moldata==molData(j,:)) % min = and for boolean array
% duplicates = [duplicates;[k,j,moldata]];% track duplicates: test only
duplicate = true;
break % full duplicate found
% NB it doesn't matter if partial duplicate, e.g., positions coincide
end % if min()
end % for j
if ~duplicate | k==1
molData(k,:) = moldata; % record unique initial molecule
k = k + 1;
end % if ~duplicate
if k>N, break, end %if
end % while true (aka for k)
% function a = genDirection(range) THM 100301
% generate random direction in range(1)--range(2)
function a = genDirection(range)
lowangle = range(1);
anglerange = range(2) - lowangle;
a = lowangle + anglerange*rand(1);
% function d = genNormal(stdev) THM 100301
% given standerd deviation stdev
% find a distance d from centre
% uses erfNormal(stdev,decpl) to give cumulative sum of Normal
function d = genNormal(stdev)
% Following \cite[p.263]{Ross:prob} to generate random variable X from uniform u:
% generate uniform random u on [0,1];
% p = erfNormal^{-1}(u)
if stdev == 0, d = 0; else
u = rand(1); % uniform random
for d = 0:0.03*stdev:3*stdev
if erfNormal(d,2) > u, break, end %if
end % for d
s = rand(1);
if s<=0.5, signd = -1; else signd = 1; end
d = signd*d;
end % if stdev
% function molData = collSim(N,T,r,M,ab) THM 101026
% N molecules each of radius r (nm), mass M (AMU) at temperature T (degK)
% Helium 0.049nm (1), 4AMU; Neon 0.051 m (1), 20AMU; Argon 0.088nm (1.8), 40AMU)
% find; molecules in box [-ab(1),ab(1)]x[-ab(2),ab(2)] nanometers
% (initially symmetrical, stored abcd [abcd(1),abcd(2)]x[abcd(3),abcd(4)])
% Return nothing (collision simulation only, no stats); molData is sop;see below
% uses molData = moleculeInit(N,T,startRange,r,M)
% [delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,ab);
% [delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M,M,r,r);
% p1= molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0);
% [p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M,M,p1b,p2b,0,C12);
function molData = collSim(N,T,r,M,ab)
tic % elapsed time
% initialize
startRange = [0,0,5,0,0,40,50];
% l h s x y l h s is stdev in nm of spread along line of angle
% ang cntr from ang_l to ang_h centred at x,y
% ----pos--- mom mom_l to mom_h is angle of motion direction
% for box -20:20*-10:10 try exactly 45 degrees from exactly (0,0)
% generates molData[N * cx,cy,px,py,r,M,E]
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
% L: nm T: ps M: meV(ps/nm)^2 L/T: nm/ps ML/T: meV(ps/nm)
molData = moleculeInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) % display test only
oldMolData = molData;
sizeMolData = size(molData);
noVals = sizeMolData(1);
abcd(1) = -ab(1); abcd(2) = ab(1); abcd(3) = -ab(2); abcd(4) = ab(2);
happIndx = 0; % keep track of number of steps
time = 0.0; % keep track of time
stepChunk = 100; % iterate this many steps then check if more wanted
firstChunk = true; % to detect first collisions at resume time
%stepChunk = 1; % test only
chunkNo = 0;
% Loop starts here
collision = false;
% find time of next collision
record = []; % record of collision times, results
for v1 = 1:noVals
c1b = [molData(v1,1); molData(v1,2)];
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
M1 = molData(v1,6);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
[delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(c1b,p1b,M1,r1,abcd); % display test only
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v1,centre(1),centre(2),centre(1),centre(2)]];
for v2 = v1+1:noVals
c2b = [molData(v2,1); molData(v2,2)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
M2 = molData(v2,6);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
[delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M1,M2,r1,r2);
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v2,cntr1(1),cntr1(2),cntr2(1),cntr2(2)]];
end % for v2
end % for v1
%sqrt choose and execute next collision
next = minrows(record); % smallest delTime wins display test only
time = time + next(1);
v1 = next(2);
v2 = next(3);
c1 = [next(4);next(5)];
c2 = [next(6);next(7)];
deltaX1 = c1(1) - molData(v1,1);
deltaY1 = c1(2) - molData(v1,2);
deltaX2 = c2(1) - molData(v2,1);
deltaY2 = c2(2) - molData(v2,2);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
M1 = molData(v1,6);
M2 = molData(v2,6);
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
if v1==v2 % collision is with wall
p1 = molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0);
deltaPx1 = p1(1) - p1b(1); % change of momentum at wall
deltaPy1 = p1(2) - p1b(2);
% molData for v1 is common to both these branches: done afterwards
else % v1~=v2
collision = true; % test only: used to update afterColl
C12 = c2 - c1;
[p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M1,M2,p1b,p2b,0,C12); % display test only
molData(v2,1) = c2(1);
molData(v2,2) = c2(2);
molData(v2,3) = p2(1);
molData(v2,4) = p2(2);
molData(v2,7) = (p2(1).^2 + p2(2).^2)/(2*M2*10.36); % energy
end % if v1==v2
molData(v1,1) = c1(1);
molData(v1,2) = c1(2);
molData(v1,3) = p1(1);
molData(v1,4) = p1(2);
molData(v1,7) = (p1(1).^2 + p1(2).^2)/(2*M1*10.36); % energy
for v = 1:noVals % update all other molecules' positions
if v==v1 | v==v2, continue, end % if
deltaX = molData(v,3)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
deltaY = molData(v,4)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
molData(v,1) = molData(v,1) + deltaX; % update position
molData(v,2) = molData(v,2) + deltaY;
end % for v
if collision
happIndx = happIndx + 1;
if mod(happIndx,stepChunk)==0
elapsed = toc; % elapsed time
chunkNo = chunkNo + 1;
if firstChunk
firstChunk = false;
end % if firstChunk
reply = input([num2str(elapsed) ' elapsed, ' num2str(time) ' ps.: another ' num2str(stepChunk) ' collisions? y/n '],'s');
if isempty(reply)
reply = 'y';
if reply~='y' % not 'y'
else tic % elapsed time
end % if reply
end % if mod()
end % if collision
end % while(true)
% function molDatAverage = molDataHisto(molData,molDatAverage) THM 101028
% plot histogram of statistics from statSim()
% given
% molData, N*7 array of [cx,cy,px,py,4,M,E] to which we'll add p
% molDatAverage, initially [], average of all these
% find
% molDatAverage = [molDatAverage;molDatAvg]
function molDatAverage = molDataHisto(molData,molDatAverage)
molData(:,8) = sqrt(molData(:,3).^2 + molData(:,4).^2); % momentum magnitude
sizeMolData = size(molData);
% firstInvocation = size(molDatAverage)==[0,0];% initially [0,0] (or invokNo==1)
sizeMolDataAvg = size(molDatAverage);
invokNo = sizeMolDataAvg(1) + 1;
firstInvocation = invokNo==1; % initially
molDatAvg = sum(molData)/sizeMolData(1)
molDatAverage = [molDatAverage;molDatAvg];
%molDataStdev = sqrt(sum(molData.^2-molDatAverage.^2)/sizeMolData(1))
molDatBucket = zeros(10,5);
bw = 10; % bucket width
for k = 1:4 % momentum (1,2), energy (3), |p| (4)
k1 = condif(k<3,k+2,k+4); % 1->3 (px), 2->4 (py), 3->7 (E), 4->8
bs = condif(k<3,-5*bw,0); % bucket start
for j = 1: sizeMolData(1)
if molData(j,k1) < bs + bw, molDatBucket(1,k) = molDatBucket(1,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 2*bw, molDatBucket(2,k) = molDatBucket(2,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 3*bw, molDatBucket(3,k) = molDatBucket(3,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 4*bw, molDatBucket(4,k) = molDatBucket(4,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 5*bw, molDatBucket(5,k) = molDatBucket(5,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 6*bw, molDatBucket(6,k) = molDatBucket(6,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 7*bw, molDatBucket(7,k) = molDatBucket(7,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 8*bw, molDatBucket(8,k) = molDatBucket(8,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 9*bw, molDatBucket(9,k) = molDatBucket(9,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 10*bw, molDatBucket(10,k) = molDatBucket(10,k) + 1;
else % ignore energentum over 100
end % if molData
end % for j
end % for k
colour = 'rbgkm';
invokNo,clr = colour(mod(invokNo-1,5)+1) % display test only
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('momentum x')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('momentum y')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('momentum magn.')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('average momentum')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('average position')
hold on
% function molDatAverage = molDataHisto(molData,molDatAverage) THM 101028
% plot histogram of statistics from statSim()
% given
% molData, N*7 array of [cx,cy,px,py,4,M,E] to which we'll add p
% molDatAverage, initially [], average of all these
% find
% molDatAverage = [molDatAverage;molDatAvg]
function molDatAverage = molDataHisto(molData,molDatAverage)
molData(:,8) = sqrt(molData(:,3).^2 + molData(:,4).^2); % momentum magnitude
sizeMolData = size(molData);
% firstInvocation = size(molDatAverage)==[0,0];% initially [0,0] (or invokNo==1)
sizeMolDataAvg = size(molDatAverage);
invokNo = sizeMolDataAvg(1) + 1;
firstInvocation = invokNo==1; % initially
molDatAvg = sum(molData)/sizeMolData(1)
molDatAverage = [molDatAverage;molDatAvg];
%molDataStdev = sqrt(sum(molData.^2-molDatAverage.^2)/sizeMolData(1))
molDatBucket = zeros(10,5);
bw = 10; % bucket width
for k = 1:4 % momentum (1,2), energy (3), |p| (4)
k1 = condif(k<3,k+2,k+4); % 1->3 (px), 2->4 (py), 3->7 (E), 4->8
bs = condif(k<3,-5*bw,0); % bucket start
for j = 1: sizeMolData(1)
if molData(j,k1) < bs + bw, molDatBucket(1,k) = molDatBucket(1,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 2*bw, molDatBucket(2,k) = molDatBucket(2,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 3*bw, molDatBucket(3,k) = molDatBucket(3,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 4*bw, molDatBucket(4,k) = molDatBucket(4,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 5*bw, molDatBucket(5,k) = molDatBucket(5,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 6*bw, molDatBucket(6,k) = molDatBucket(6,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 7*bw, molDatBucket(7,k) = molDatBucket(7,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 8*bw, molDatBucket(8,k) = molDatBucket(8,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 9*bw, molDatBucket(9,k) = molDatBucket(9,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 10*bw, molDatBucket(10,k) = molDatBucket(10,k) + 1;
else % ignore energentum over 100
end % if molData
end % for j
end % for k
colour = 'rbgkm';
invokNo,clr = colour(mod(invokNo-1,5)+1) % display test only
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('momentum x')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('momentum y')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('momentum magn.')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('average momentum')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('average position')
hold on
% function molData = statSim(N,T,r,M,ab) THM 101026
% N molecules each of radius r (nm), mass M (AMU) at temperature T (degK)
% Helium 0.049nm (1), 4AMU; Neon 0.051 m (1), 20AMU; Argon 0.088nm (1.8), 40AMU)
% find; molecules in box [-ab(1),ab(1)]x[-ab(2),ab(2)] nanometers
% (initially symmetrical, stored abcd [abcd(1),abcd(2)]x[abcd(3),abcd(4)])
% Return molData
% uses molData = moleculeInit(N,T,startRange,r,M)
% [delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,ab);
% [delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M,M,r,r);
% p1= molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0);
% [p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M,M,p1b,p2b,0,C12);
% molDatAverage = molDataHisto(molData,[]);
function molData = statSim(N,T,r,M,ab)
% initialize
startRange = [0,0,5,0,0,40,50];
% l h s x y l h s is stdev in nm of spread along line of angle
% ang cntr from ang_l to ang_h centred at x,y
% ----pos--- mom mom_l to mom_h is angle of motion direction
% for box -20:20*-10:10 try exactly 45 degrees from exactly (0,0)
% generates molData[N * cx,cy,px,py,r,M,E]
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
% L: nm T: ps M: meV(ps/nm)^2 L/T: nm/ps ML/T: meV(ps/nm)
molData = moleculeInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) % display test only
molDatAverage = molDataHisto(molData,[]);
oldMolData = molData;
sizeMolData = size(molData);
noVals = sizeMolData(1);
abcd(1) = -ab(1); abcd(2) = ab(1); abcd(3) = -ab(2); abcd(4) = ab(2);
happIndx = 0; % keep track of number of steps
time = 0.0; % keep track of time
stepChunk = 100; % iterate this many steps then check if more wanted
firstChunk = true; % to detect first collisions at resume time
%stepChunk = 1; % test only
chunkNo = 0;
tic % elapsed time
% Loop starts here
collision = false;
% find time of next collision
record = []; % record of collision times, results
for v1 = 1:noVals
c1b = [molData(v1,1); molData(v1,2)];
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
M1 = molData(v1,6);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
[delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(c1b,p1b,M1,r1,abcd); % display test only
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v1,centre(1),centre(2),centre(1),centre(2)]];
for v2 = v1+1:noVals
c2b = [molData(v2,1); molData(v2,2)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
M2 = molData(v2,6);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
[delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M1,M2,r1,r2);
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v2,cntr1(1),cntr1(2),cntr2(1),cntr2(2)]];
end % for v2
end % for v1
%sqrt choose and execute next collision
next = minrows(record); % smallest delTime wins display test only
time = time + next(1);
v1 = next(2);
v2 = next(3);
c1 = [next(4);next(5)];
c2 = [next(6);next(7)];
deltaX1 = c1(1) - molData(v1,1);
deltaY1 = c1(2) - molData(v1,2);
deltaX2 = c2(1) - molData(v2,1);
deltaY2 = c2(2) - molData(v2,2);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
M1 = molData(v1,6);
M2 = molData(v2,6);
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
if v1==v2 % collision is with wall
p1 = molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0);
deltaPx1 = p1(1) - p1b(1); % change of momentum at wall
deltaPy1 = p1(2) - p1b(2);
% molData for v1 is common to both these branches: done afterwards
else % v1~=v2
collision = true; % test only: used to update afterColl
C12 = c2 - c1;
[p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M1,M2,p1b,p2b,0,C12); % display test only
molData(v2,1) = c2(1);
molData(v2,2) = c2(2);
molData(v2,3) = p2(1);
molData(v2,4) = p2(2);
molData(v2,7) = (p2(1).^2 + p2(2).^2)/(2*M2*10.36); % energy
end % if v1==v2
molData(v1,1) = c1(1);
molData(v1,2) = c1(2);
molData(v1,3) = p1(1);
molData(v1,4) = p1(2);
molData(v1,7) = (p1(1).^2 + p1(2).^2)/(2*M1*10.36); % energy
for v = 1:noVals % update all other molecules' positions
if v==v1 | v==v2, continue, end % if
deltaX = molData(v,3)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
deltaY = molData(v,4)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
molData(v,1) = molData(v,1) + deltaX; % update position
molData(v,2) = molData(v,2) + deltaY;
end % for v
if collision
happIndx = happIndx + 1;
if mod(happIndx,stepChunk)==0
elapsed = toc; % elapsed time
chunkNo = chunkNo + 1;
if firstChunk
firstChunk = false;
end % if firstChunk
molDatAverage = molDataHisto(molData,molDatAverage);
reply = input([num2str(elapsed) ' elapsed, ' num2str(time) ' ps.: another ' num2str(stepChunk) ' collisions? y/n '],'s');
if isempty(reply)
reply = 'y';
if reply~='y' % not 'y'
else tic % elapsed time
end % if reply
end % if mod()
end % if collision
end % while(true)
% function [momenCum,momenAvg] = momenCumHisto(molData,momenCum,momenAvg) THM 101103
% accumulated magnitude of momentum and energy from molData into momenCum
% given
% molData, N*7 array of [cx,cy,px,py,r,M,E] to which we'll add p
% momenCum, initially zeros(11,2): 10 positions each for p, E
% momenAvg, initially []: accumulates average momentum magnitude, energy
% find
% momenCum
% momenAvg
function [momenCum,momenAvg] = momenCumHisto(molData,momenCum,momenAvg)
molData(:,8) = sqrt(molData(:,3).^2 + molData(:,4).^2); % momentum magnitude
sizeMolData = size(molData);
molDatBucket = zeros(10,5);
bs = 0; % bucket start
bw = 10; % bucket width
for k = 1:2 % momentum magnitude (1), energy (2)
k1 = condif(k==1,8,7); % molData(8) is p, (7) is E
for j = 1: sizeMolData(1)
if molData(j,k1) < bs + bw, momenCum(1,k) = momenCum(1,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 2*bw, momenCum(2,k) = momenCum(2,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 3*bw, momenCum(3,k) = momenCum(3,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 4*bw, momenCum(4,k) = momenCum(4,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 5*bw, momenCum(5,k) = momenCum(5,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 6*bw, momenCum(6,k) = momenCum(6,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 7*bw, momenCum(7,k) = momenCum(7,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 8*bw, momenCum(8,k) = momenCum(8,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 9*bw, momenCum(9,k) = momenCum(9,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 10*bw, momenCum(10,k) = momenCum(10,k) + 1;
else % ignore energentum over 100
end % if molData
end % for j
end % for k
momenAverage(1) = sum(molData(:,8))/10; % average momentum magnitude
momenAverage(2) = sum(molData(:,7))/10; % average energy
momenAvg = [momenAvg;momenAverage];
% function molDatAverage =
% molDataDistr(molData,molDatAverage,momenCum,momenAvg) THM 101028
% plot histogram of statistics from statSim()
% given
% molData, N*7 array of [cx,cy,px,py,r,M,E] to which we'll add p
% molDatAverage, initially [], average of all these
% momenCum, array of 10 buckets for each of momentum magnitude, energy
% momenAvg, array of variable rows holding average mom magn, energy
% (both these last supplied by function momenCumHisto)
% find
% molDatAverage = [molDatAverage;molDatAvg]
function molDatAverage = molDataDistr(molData,molDatAverage,momenCum,momenAvg)
molData(:,8) = sqrt(molData(:,3).^2 + molData(:,4).^2); % momentum magnitude
sizeMolData = size(molData);
% firstInvocation = size(molDatAverage)==[0,0];% initially [0,0] (or invokNo==1)
sizeMolDataAvg = size(molDatAverage);
invokNo = sizeMolDataAvg(1) + 1;
firstInvocation = invokNo==1; % initially
secndInvocation = invokNo==2; % or size(momenAvg)==[0,0]
momenAvg % display test only
molDatAvg = sum(molData)/sizeMolData(1) % display test only
molDatAverage = [molDatAverage;molDatAvg];
%molDataStdev = sqrt(sum(molData.^2-molDatAverage.^2)/sizeMolData(1))
molDatBucket = zeros(10,5);
bw = 10; % bucket width
for k = 1:4 % kept, tho need only 2 % momentum (1,2), energy (3), |p| (4)
k1 = condif(k<3,k+2,k+4); % 1->3 (px), 2->4 (py), 3->7 (E), 4->8
bs = condif(k<3,-5*bw,0); % bucket start
for j = 1: sizeMolData(1)
if molData(j,k1) < bs + bw, molDatBucket(1,k) = molDatBucket(1,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 2*bw, molDatBucket(2,k) = molDatBucket(2,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 3*bw, molDatBucket(3,k) = molDatBucket(3,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 4*bw, molDatBucket(4,k) = molDatBucket(4,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 5*bw, molDatBucket(5,k) = molDatBucket(5,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 6*bw, molDatBucket(6,k) = molDatBucket(6,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 7*bw, molDatBucket(7,k) = molDatBucket(7,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 8*bw, molDatBucket(8,k) = molDatBucket(8,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 9*bw, molDatBucket(9,k) = molDatBucket(9,k) + 1;
elseif molData(j,k1) < bs + 10*bw, molDatBucket(10,k) = molDatBucket(10,k) + 1;
else % ignore energentum over 100
end % if molData
end % for j
end % for k
for j = 1:2 % normalize histo to distr
momenCumDistr(:,j) = momenCum(:,j)/sum(momenCum(:,j));
end % for j
colour = 'bgkm';
invokNo,clr = colour(mod(invokNo-1,4)+1) % display test only
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('momentum magn.')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('cumulative momentum magn.')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('cumulative energy')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('average momentum magn.')
xlabel('time (# collisions)')
hold on
if firstInvocation, hold off, end
title('average energy')
xlabel('time (# collisions)')
hold on
% function molData = cumuSim(N,T,r,M,ab) THM 101102
% N molecules each of radius r (nm), mass M (AMU) at temperature T (degK)
% Helium 0.049nm (1), 4AMU; Neon 0.051 m (1), 20AMU; Argon 0.088nm (1.8), 40AMU)
% find; molecules in box [-ab(1),ab(1)]x[-ab(2),ab(2)] nanometers
% (initially symmetrical, stored abcd [abcd(1),abcd(2)]x[abcd(3),abcd(4)])
% Return molData
% uses molData = moleculeInit(N,T,startRange,r,M)
% [delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,ab);
% [delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M,M,r,r);
% p1= molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0);
% [p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M,M,p1b,p2b,0,C12);
% [momenCum,momenAvg] = momenCumHisto(molData,momenCum,momenAvg)
% molDatAverage = molDataDistr(molData,molDatAverage,momenCum,momenAvg);
% Differs from statSim by introducing cumulative momentum magnitude and energy;
% modifies histogram building and plotting routine, replacing momx, momy by
% these new distributions, and scatter plots of mom, pos by fluctuation plots
% of average momentum magnitude and energy.
function molData = cumuSim(N,T,r,M,ab)
% initialize
startRange = [0,0,5,0,0,40,50];
% l h s x y l h s is stdev in nm of spread along line of angle
% ang cntr from ang_l to ang_h centred at x,y
% ----pos--- mom mom_l to mom_h is angle of motion direction
% for box -20:20*-10:10 try exactly 45 degrees from exactly (0,0)
% generates molData[N * cx,cy,px,py,r,M,E]
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
% L: nm T: ps M: meV(ps/nm)^2 L/T: nm/ps ML/T: meV(ps/nm)
molData = moleculeInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) % display test only
molDatAverage = []; % initialize for molDataDistr: no longer display initial
oldMolData = molData;
sizeMolData = size(molData);
noVals = sizeMolData(1);
abcd(1) = -ab(1); abcd(2) = ab(1); abcd(3) = -ab(2); abcd(4) = ab(2);
happIndx = 0; % keep track of number of steps
time = 0.0; % keep track of time
stepChunk = 100; % iterate this many steps then check if more wanted
firstChunk = true; % to detect first collisions at resume time
%stepChunk = 1; % test only
chunkNo = 0;
momenCum = zeros(10,2); % initialize parameters for momenCumHist
momenAvg = []; % ditto
tic % elapsed time
% Loop starts here
collision = false;
% find time of next collision
record = []; % record of collision times, results
for v1 = 1:noVals
c1b = [molData(v1,1); molData(v1,2)];
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
M1 = molData(v1,6);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
[delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(c1b,p1b,M1,r1,abcd); % display test only
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v1,centre(1),centre(2),centre(1),centre(2)]];
for v2 = v1+1:noVals
c2b = [molData(v2,1); molData(v2,2)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
M2 = molData(v2,6);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
[delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M1,M2,r1,r2);
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v2,cntr1(1),cntr1(2),cntr2(1),cntr2(2)]];
end % for v2
end % for v1
%sqrt choose and execute next collision
next = minrows(record); % smallest delTime wins display test only
time = time + next(1);
v1 = next(2);
v2 = next(3);
c1 = [next(4);next(5)];
c2 = [next(6);next(7)];
deltaX1 = c1(1) - molData(v1,1);
deltaY1 = c1(2) - molData(v1,2);
deltaX2 = c2(1) - molData(v2,1);
deltaY2 = c2(2) - molData(v2,2);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
M1 = molData(v1,6);
M2 = molData(v2,6);
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
if v1==v2 % collision is with wall
p1 = molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0);
deltaPx1 = p1(1) - p1b(1); % change of momentum at wall
deltaPy1 = p1(2) - p1b(2);
% molData for v1 is common to both these branches: done afterwards
else % v1~=v2
collision = true; % test only: used to update afterColl
C12 = c2 - c1;
[p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M1,M2,p1b,p2b,0,C12); % display test only
molData(v2,1) = c2(1);
molData(v2,2) = c2(2);
molData(v2,3) = p2(1);
molData(v2,4) = p2(2);
molData(v2,7) = (p2(1).^2 + p2(2).^2)/(2*M2*10.36); % energy
end % if v1==v2
molData(v1,1) = c1(1);
molData(v1,2) = c1(2);
molData(v1,3) = p1(1);
molData(v1,4) = p1(2);
molData(v1,7) = (p1(1).^2 + p1(2).^2)/(2*M1*10.36); % energy
for v = 1:noVals % update all other molecules' positions
if v==v1 | v==v2, continue, end % if
deltaX = molData(v,3)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
deltaY = molData(v,4)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
molData(v,1) = molData(v,1) + deltaX; % update position
molData(v,2) = molData(v,2) + deltaY;
end % for v
if collision
happIndx = happIndx + 1;
if ~firstChunk
% start accumulating, skipping the distortion of the initial motions
if mod(happIndx,N)==0 % accumulate for every N collisions
[momenCum,momenAvg] = momenCumHisto(molData,momenCum,momenAvg);
end % if mod(happIndx,N)==0
end % if ~firstChunk
if mod(happIndx,stepChunk)==0
elapsed = toc; % elapsed time
chunkNo = chunkNo + 1;
if firstChunk
firstChunk = false;
molDatAverage = molDataDistr(molData,molDatAverage,momenCum,momenAvg);
end % if firstChunk
reply = input([num2str(elapsed) ' elapsed, ' num2str(time) ' ps.: another ' num2str(stepChunk) ' collisions? y/n '],'s');
if isempty(reply)
reply = 'y';
if reply~='y' % not 'y'
else tic % elapsed time
end % if reply
end % if mod()
end % if collision
end % while(true)
% function [momAvgFT,mAapprox] = FTfluct THM 101109
% Find discrete Fourier transform of hardwu=ired sequence momAvg: momAvgFT
% Manually select strongest frequency components (7 with largest magnitudes)
% and DFT back to mAapprox
function [momAvgFT,mAapprox] = FTfluct
momAvg = [42.2964;41.1153;42.0875;41.5578;42.5435;41.9132;40.2426;42.4980;41.3177;42.8827;41.9394;40.3250;40.0651;37.5326;37.4996;39.1918;40.4985;40.1718;39.0108;39.7756;39.3788;37.1139;39.9479;40.1349;38.4678;36.7253;34.7730;40.8269;39.9655;39.5493;40.2808;39.6370;38.1273;41.9592;41.8759;44.2589;42.9165;43.0852;42.8527;42.0199];
F40 = makeDFT(40);
momAvgFT = F40*momAvg;
mAapproxFT = zeros(size(momAvgFT));
momAvgFT = [momAvgFT, abs(momAvgFT)];
mAapproxFT(1,1) = momAvgFT(1,1);
mAapproxFT(2,1) = momAvgFT(2,1);
mAapproxFT(7,1) = momAvgFT(7,1);
mAapproxFT(4,1) = momAvgFT(4,1);
mAapproxFT(8,1) = momAvgFT(8,1);
mAapproxFT(17,1) = momAvgFT(17,1);
mAapproxFT(5,1) = momAvgFT(5,1);
for j = 2:19 % put in symmetric components
mAapproxFT(42-j,1) = momAvgFT(j,1);
end % for j
mAapprox = conj(F40')*mAapproxFT;
mAapprox = [mAapprox,abs(mAapprox)];
title('Fourier analysis of average momentum magnitude')
xlabel('time (# collisions/10)')
ylabel('average momentum magnitude')
legend('avg mom','largest 7 freq.','time average','Location','North')
% function momAvgFT = FTfluctAgg(aggSize,clr) THM 101111
% Group the 40 values hardwired in momAvg into 40/aggSize (must be integer)
% aggregate averages. So aggSize may be 1,2,4,5,8,10,20,40. Then, with these,
% Take Fourier transform to find the principal frequencies.
% clr is the plot colour
function momAvgFT = FTfluctAgg(aggSize,clr)
momAvg = [42.2964;41.1153;42.0875;41.5578;42.5435;41.9132;40.2426;42.4980;41.3177;42.8827;41.9394;40.3250;40.0651;37.5326;37.4996;39.1918;40.4985;40.1718;39.0108;39.7756;39.3788;37.1139;39.9479;40.1349;38.4678;36.7253;34.7730;40.8269;39.9655;39.5493;40.2808;39.6370;38.1273;41.9592;41.8759;44.2589;42.9165;43.0852;42.8527;42.0199];
sizeMomAvg = size(momAvg);
k = 0;
for j = 1:sizeMomAvg
if aggSize==1 | mod(j,aggSize)==1
if k>0, cumMomAvg(k) = cumMomAvg(k)/aggSize; end
k = k + 1;
cumMomAvg(k) = 0;
end % if mod
cumMomAvg(k) = cumMomAvg(k) + momAvg(j);
end % for k
cumMomAvg(k) = cumMomAvg(k)/aggSize; % last term
noTerms = sizeMomAvg/aggSize; % must be integer
DFT = makeDFT(noTerms(1));
momAvgFT = DFT*cumMomAvg';
momAvgFT = [momAvgFT, abs(momAvgFT)];
figure(3) % hardwired: will wipe previous figure 3
hold on % must hold off before first invocation
title('momentum magnitude averages fluctuate')
xlabel('time (# collisions/10)')
ylabel('average momentum magnitude')
% function mimStats = momAvgHisto(aggSize,clr) THM 101111
% Find and plot 10-element histogram for hardwired momentum magnitude averages:
% group the 40 values hardwired in momAvg into 40/aggSize (must be integer)
% aggregate averages. So aggSize may be 1,2,4,5,8,10,20,40.
% clr is colour of plot
function momStats = momAvgHisto(aggSize,clr)
% this one is really the sequence of average momenta
% plotFig = 4;
% momAvg = [42.2964;41.1153;42.0875;41.5578;42.5435;41.9132;40.2426;42.4980;41.3177;42.8827;41.9394;40.3250;40.0651;37.5326;37.4996;39.1918;40.4985;40.1718;39.0108;39.7756;39.3788;37.1139;39.9479;40.1349;38.4678;36.7253;34.7730;40.8269;39.9655;39.5493;40.2808;39.6370;38.1273;41.9592;41.8759;44.2589;42.9165;43.0852;42.8527;42.0199];
% this one is really a set of average energies (from ../newsim1/manyInits)
plotFig = 5;
momAvg = [25.4606;26.7735;26.6858;26.1923;26.5929;26.2111;25.7814;25.8228;25.9716;26.2799;25.4807;25.9138;25.8934;26.5559;26.9727;25.4016;26.6654;26.2584;26.4078;26.2142;25.2606;26.1378;25.2521;26.5894;25.4875;26.5820;25.3646;25.6381;25.3599;26.5136;26.7209;24.2845;25.7262;25.5478;25.3614; 24.1373;26.6495;26.1698;25.7589;25.8821];
sizeMomAvg = size(momAvg);
k = 0;
for j = 1:sizeMomAvg
if aggSize==1 | mod(j,aggSize)==1
if k>0, cumMomAvg(k) = cumMomAvg(k)/aggSize; end
k = k + 1;
cumMomAvg(k) = 0;
end % if mod
cumMomAvg(k) = cumMomAvg(k) + momAvg(j);
end % for k
cumMomAvg(k) = cumMomAvg(k)/aggSize; % last term
noTerms = sizeMomAvg/aggSize; % must be integer
sizeCumMomAvg = size(cumMomAvg);
frstMom = 0;
scndMom = 0;
for j = 1:noTerms
frstMom = frstMom + cumMomAvg(j);
scndMom = scndMom + cumMomAvg(j)^2;
end % for j
momStats(1) = frstMom/noTerms(1); % mean
momStats(2) = scndMom/noTerms(1) - momStats(1)^2; % variance
momStats(3) = sqrt(momStats(2)); % standard deviation
minCumMomAvg = min(cumMomAvg);
maxCumMomAvg = max(cumMomAvg);
noBuck = condif(aggSize==1,10,condif(aggSize==2,5,2));
stepBuck = (maxCumMomAvg - minCumMomAvg)/(noBuck - 1);
histo = zeros(1,noBuck);
for j = 1:sizeCumMomAvg(2);
if cumMomAvg(j) < minCumMomAvg + stepBuck, histo(1) = histo(1) + 1;
elseif cumMomAvg(j) < minCumMomAvg + 2*stepBuck, histo(2) = histo(2) + 1;
elseif cumMomAvg(j) < minCumMomAvg + 3*stepBuck, histo(3) = histo(3) + 1;
elseif cumMomAvg(j) < minCumMomAvg + 4*stepBuck, histo(4) = histo(4) + 1;
elseif cumMomAvg(j) < minCumMomAvg + 5*stepBuck, histo(5) = histo(5) + 1;
elseif cumMomAvg(j) < minCumMomAvg + 6*stepBuck, histo(6) = histo(6) + 1;
elseif cumMomAvg(j) < minCumMomAvg + 7*stepBuck, histo(7) = histo(7) + 1;
elseif cumMomAvg(j) < minCumMomAvg + 8*stepBuck, histo(8) = histo(8) + 1;
elseif cumMomAvg(j) < minCumMomAvg + 9*stepBuck, histo(9) = histo(9) + 1;
elseif cumMomAvg(j) < minCumMomAvg + 10*stepBuck, histo(10) = histo(10) + 1;
else % ignore anything over maxMomAvg
end % if
end % for j
x = minCumMomAvg:stepBuck:maxCumMomAvg;
figure(plotFig) % hardwired: will erase previous figure 4 or 5
hold on % must preface 1st invocation by hold off
% title('Histogram of momentum magnitude averages')
% xlabel('momentum, meV-ps/ns')
title('Histogram of energy averages')
xlabel('energy, meV')
ylabel('# occurrences')
% function variability = FTfluctVar THM 101111
% Hardwire the Fourier transform magnitudes from FTflcutAgg and add up total
% magnitude as vector length. Each set gives an element of variability output
function variability = FTfluctVar
momVar9=[0.0307;0.0068;0.0122;0.0098;0.0013;0.0098;0.0122;0.0068; 0.0307]*100/sqrt(10);;
variability(1) = vecLength(momVar39);
variability(2) = vecLength(momVar19);
variability(3) = vecLength(momVar9);
variability(4) = vecLength(momVar4);
% function avgEnergy = manyInits THM 101111
% call moleculeInit 40 times, 10 molecules eqch, and record average energies
function avgEnergy = manyInits
for j = 1:40
molData = moleculeInit(10,300,[0,0,5,0,0,40,50],0.05,4);
sizeMolData = size(molData);
totEn = 0;
for k = 1:sizeMolData(1)
totEn = totEn + molData(k,7);
end % for k
avgEnergy(j) = totEn/sizeMolData(1);
end % for j
% function enerIgn = energyHisDis(momenCum,enerIgn) THM 101116
% finds and plots energy ignorance from momenCum(2)
% in and out: enerIgn, column vector of successive values of energy ignorance
function enerIgn = energyHisDis(momenCum,enerIgn)
enerProb = momenCum(:,2)/sum(momenCum(:,2)); % display test only
sizeEnerProb = size(enerProb); % display test only
enerIg = 0;
for j = 1: sizeEnerProb(1)
enerP = enerProb(j);
enerIg = enerIg - enerP.*condif(enerP==0,1,log(enerP));
end % for j
enerIgn = [enerIgn;enerIg];
sizeEnerIgn = size(enerIgn); % display test only
figure(6) % hardwired figure 6 will overwrite any previous figure 6
title('Energy ignorance vs time')
xlabel('time (# collisions)')
ylabel('energy ignorance (nats)')
% function molData = entrSim(N,T,r,M,ab) THM 101102
% N molecules each of radius r (nm), mass M (AMU) at temperature T (degK)
% Helium 0.049nm (1), 4AMU; Neon 0.051 m (1), 20AMU; Argon 0.088nm (1.8), 40AMU)
% find; molecules in box [-ab(1),ab(1)]x[-ab(2),ab(2)] nanometers
% (initially symmetrical, stored abcd [abcd(1),abcd(2)]x[abcd(3),abcd(4)])
% Return molData
% uses molData = molecuReInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) fixed initial config.
% [delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,ab);
% [delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M,M,r,r);
% p1= molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0);
% [p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M,M,p1b,p2b,0,C12);
% [momenCum,momenAvg] = momenCumHisto(molData,momenCum,momenAvg)
% enerIgn = energyHisDis(momenCum,enerIgn);
% Differs from cumuSim by finding and plotting cumulative energy ignorance
% (entropy).
function molData = entrSim(N,T,r,M,ab)
% initialize
startRange = [0,0,5,0,0,40,50];
% l h s x y l h s is stdev in nm of spread along line of angle
% ang cntr from ang_l to ang_h centred at x,y
% ----pos--- mom mom_l to mom_h is angle of motion direction
% for box -20:20*-10:10 try exactly 45 degrees from exactly (0,0)
% generates molData[N * cx,cy,px,py,r,M,E]
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
% L: nm T: ps M: meV(ps/nm)^2 L/T: nm/ps ML/T: meV(ps/nm)
% use one or other of the following two lines:
%molData = molecuReInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) % display test only
molData = moleculeInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) % display test only
momenCum = zeros(10,2); % initialize parameters for momenCumHist
momenAvg = []; % ditto
[momenCum,momenAvg] = momenCumHisto(molData,momenCum,momenAvg);
enerIgn = energyHisDis(momenCum,[]); % capture and plot initial energy ignorance
momenCum = zeros(10,2); % reset parameters for momenCumHist
oldMolData = molData;
sizeMolData = size(molData);
noVals = sizeMolData(1);
abcd(1) = -ab(1); abcd(2) = ab(1); abcd(3) = -ab(2); abcd(4) = ab(2);
happIndx = 0; % keep track of number of steps
time = 0.0; % keep track of time
stepChunk = 100; % iterate this many steps then check if more wanted
firstChunk = true; % to detect first collisions at resume time
%stepChunk = 1; % test only
chunkNo = 0;
tic % elapsed time
% Loop starts here
collision = false;
% find time of next collision
record = []; % record of collision times, results
for v1 = 1:noVals
c1b = [molData(v1,1); molData(v1,2)];
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
M1 = molData(v1,6);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
[delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(c1b,p1b,M1,r1,abcd); % display test only
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v1,centre(1),centre(2),centre(1),centre(2)]];
for v2 = v1+1:noVals
c2b = [molData(v2,1); molData(v2,2)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
M2 = molData(v2,6);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
[delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M1,M2,r1,r2);
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v2,cntr1(1),cntr1(2),cntr2(1),cntr2(2)]];
end % for v2
end % for v1
%sqrt choose and execute next collision
next = minrows(record); % smallest delTime wins display test only
time = time + next(1);
v1 = next(2);
v2 = next(3);
c1 = [next(4);next(5)];
c2 = [next(6);next(7)];
deltaX1 = c1(1) - molData(v1,1);
deltaY1 = c1(2) - molData(v1,2);
deltaX2 = c2(1) - molData(v2,1);
deltaY2 = c2(2) - molData(v2,2);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
M1 = molData(v1,6);
M2 = molData(v2,6);
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
if v1==v2 % collision is with wall
p1 = molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0);
deltaPx1 = p1(1) - p1b(1); % change of momentum at wall
deltaPy1 = p1(2) - p1b(2);
% molData for v1 is common to both these branches: done afterwards
else % v1~=v2
collision = true; % test only: used to update afterColl
C12 = c2 - c1;
[p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M1,M2,p1b,p2b,0,C12); % display test only
molData(v2,1) = c2(1);
molData(v2,2) = c2(2);
molData(v2,3) = p2(1);
molData(v2,4) = p2(2);
molData(v2,7) = (p2(1).^2 + p2(2).^2)/(2*M2*10.36); % energy
end % if v1==v2
molData(v1,1) = c1(1);
molData(v1,2) = c1(2);
molData(v1,3) = p1(1);
molData(v1,4) = p1(2);
molData(v1,7) = (p1(1).^2 + p1(2).^2)/(2*M1*10.36); % energy
for v = 1:noVals % update all other molecules' positions
if v==v1 | v==v2, continue, end % if
deltaX = molData(v,3)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
deltaY = molData(v,4)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
molData(v,1) = molData(v,1) + deltaX; % update position
molData(v,2) = molData(v,2) + deltaY;
end % for v
if collision
happIndx = happIndx + 1;
if mod(happIndx,1)==0 % accumulate for every N collisions
[momenCum,momenAvg] = momenCumHisto(molData,momenCum,momenAvg);
enerIgn = energyHisDis(momenCum,enerIgn);
momenCum = zeros(10,2); % reset so accumulates over only 10 coll
end % if mod(happIndx,N)==0
if mod(happIndx,stepChunk)==0
beta = 1/25.0221; % reciprocal of mean energy
Zterms = exp(-beta*10*j); % bucket width bw = 10
Z = sum(Zterms);
BoltzIgn = 1 + log(Z) % display
hold on
plot(1:happIndx,1.92*ones(happIndx,1),'r') % use theor max
hold off
enerIgn' % display
elapsed = toc; % elapsed time
chunkNo = chunkNo + 1;
reply = input([num2str(elapsed) ' elapsed, ' num2str(time) ' ps.: another ' num2str(stepChunk) ' collisions? y/n '],'s');
if isempty(reply)
reply = 'y';
if reply~='y' % not 'y'
else tic % elapsed time
end % if reply
end % if mod()
end % if collision
end % while(true)
% function [t,c] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,abcd) THM 101117
% find
% time of collision, t
% centre after collision:
% [a-r;y] for right, [r-a;y] for left, [x;b-r] for top, [x,r-b] for bottom
% - could use sum of appropriate for corner, but let's default to wall
% if a tie, then schedule an immediate hit on top or bottom
% given
% centre of molecule at time 0, column vector cb
% momentum, column vector p
% mass (amu), M
% vector abcd describing box (abcd(1),abcd(2))*(abcd(3),abcd(4))
% uses v = condif(cond,then,els);
% z = implies(x,y);
% found = nonnegrows(matrix);
% found = minrows(matrix);
% Differs from corresponding routine in newsim1 by testing for diaphragm at y=0.
function [t,c] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,abcd)
m = M*10.36; % convert from amu to milli-eV (ps/nm)^2
v = p/m; % velocity
% distances from location cb to wall or middle horizontal diaphragm
dap = abcd(2) - r - cb(1); % positive distance to vertical wall
dav = abcd(1) + r - cb(1); % negative distance to vertical wall
dbp = abcd(4) - r - cb(2); % positive distance to horizontal wall
dbv = abcd(3) + r - cb(2); % negative distance to horizontal wall
db0 = -cb(2); % NB -ve if above y=0 so needs -ve v(2) to cross
% if distance==0 then depend on sign of v ; time is dist/v; new molecule pos, c
record(1,:) = condif(implies(dap==0,v(1)>0),[dap/v(1),abcd(2)-r,cb(2)+v(2)*dap/v(1)],[inf,0,0]);
record(2,:) = condif(implies(dav==0,v(1)<0),[dav/v(1),abcd(1)+r,cb(2)+v(2)*dav/v(1)],[inf,0,0]);
record(3,:) = condif(implies(dbp==0,v(2)>0),[dbp/v(2),cb(1)+v(1)*dbp/v(2),abcd(4)-r],[inf,0,0]);
record(4,:) = condif(implies(dbv==0,v(2)<0),[dbv/v(2),cb(1)+v(1)*dbv/v(2),abcd(3)+r],[inf,0,0]);
record(5,:) = condif(db0~=0,[db0/v(2),cb(1)+v(1)*db0/v(2),0],[inf,0,0]);
% if at diapraghm (db0==0) then it has already been processed
next = minrows(nonnegrows(record)); % 2 identical if corner, else 1
sizeNext = size(next); % display test only
t = next(1,1); % time is smallest of the 5 times
c = [next(1,2);next(1,3)]; % new position of molecule 4 corresponding event
% function [p,cntB] = molCollWallCountBot(pb,tmult,bmult,abcd,r,c,cntB,mix)
% THM 101117
% (initial version, extracted from final)
% given vectors momentum pb, box boundaries abcd, position c; scalars radius r,
% integer count cntB, boolean mix (0 if y=0 diaphragm closed and gases mix;
% 1 if diaphragm open and gases don't mix.
% The multipliers tmult, bmult change top, bottom momenta due to moving wall,
% heat, respectively. (Set to 1 for no heat transfer, fixed volume.)
% find new momentum p
% Differs from same in newsim1 by interaction with y=0 diaphragm, by counting
% number of collisions with bottom wall, and by allowing momentum multipliers
% at top and bottom.
function p = molCollWallCountBot(pb,tmult,bmult,abcd,r,c,cntB,mix)
% tmult = 1; bmult = 1; cntB = 0; % for future refinement
abr = abcd - [-r,r,-r,r]; % extend wall to _centre_ of molecule
p = pb; % initialize: momentum out = momentum in
if c(1) < abr(1) | c(1) > abr(2) | c(2) < abr(3) | c(2) > abr(4)
display(['molCollWallCountBot: ' num2str(c') ' out of box ' num2str(abr)])
elseif (c(1)==abr(1) | c(1)==abr(2)) & (c(2)==abr(3) | c(2)==abr(4)), p = -pb;
% 4 corners: reverse momentum
elseif (c(1)==abr(1) | c(1)==abr(2)) & c(2) == 0, p = -pb; % diaphragm ends: "
elseif c(1)==abr(1) | c(1)==abr(2), p(1) = -pb(1);%side wall: reverse x-momentum
elseif c(2) == abr(4), p(2) = -tmult^1.5*pb(2);%top: (approx) reverse y-momentum
p(1) = tmult^.5*pb(1);
elseif c(2) == abr(3), p(2) = -bmult*pb(2); %bot: default reverse y-momentum
p(1) = bmult*pb(1);
cntB = cntB + 1;
elseif c(2) == 0
if mix, p = pb; % diaphragm open: default keep momentum
else p(2) = -pb(2); % diaphragm closed: reverse y-momentum
end % if mix
else display('molCollWallCountBot: no wall collision')
end %if
% 101117
% >> p = molCollWallCountBot([0;1],1,1,[-20,20,-10,10],.05,[0;0],0,1)
% p = 0
% 1
% >> p = molCollWallCountBot([0;1],1,1,[-20,20,-10,10],.05,[0;0],0,0)
% p = 0
% -1
% error on l. 127? : if executes only when happIndx==1 110223
% function molData = tmptureSim(N,T,r,M,ab) THM 101118
% N molecules each of radius r (nm), mass M (AMU) at temperature T (degK)
% N,T,r,M 2*1 column vectors to accommodate 2 gases
% Helium 0.049nm (1), 4AMU; Neon 0.051 m (1), 20AMU; Argon 0.088nm (1.8), 40AMU)
% find; molecules in box [-ab(1),ab(1)]x[-ab(2),ab(2)] nanometers
% (initially symmetrical, stored abcd [abcd(1),abcd(2)]x[abcd(3),abcd(4)])
% Return molData
% uses molData = molecuReInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) fixed initial config.
% or molData1 = moleculeInit(N(1),T(1),startRange1,r(1),M(1))
% [delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,ab);
% [delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M,M,r,r);
% p1= molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0,mix);
% [p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M,M,p1b,p2b,0,C12);
% [momenCum,momenAvg] = momenCumHisto(molData,momenCum,momenAvg)
% enerIgn = energyHisDis(momenCum,enerIgn);
% Differs from entrSim by allowing 2 gases in upper and lower half of box,
% and possibility of removing diaphragm separating them (say after initial
% equilibrium reached); uses entrSim's entropy routine and. like it plots
% entropy in steps of 1. Instead of using cumuSim's molDataDistr(), the
% momentum magnitude histograms are plotted directly from the main program.
% (A subsequent comparison is done of the results with theory by
% [pAvg,pStdev] = plotMaxwell(T,M) )
function molData = tmptureSim(N,T,r,M,ab)
% initialize
startRange1 = [0,0,5,0,0,40,50];
startRange2 = [0,0,5,0,0,-50,-40];
% l h s x y l h s is stdev in nm of spread along line of angle
% ang cntr from ang_l to ang_h centred at x,y
% ----pos--- mom mom_l to mom_h is angle of motion direction
% for box -20:20*-10:10 try exactly 45 degrees from exactly (0,0)
% generates molData[N * cx,cy,px,py,r,M,E]
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
% L: nm T: ps M: meV(ps/nm)^2 L/T: nm/ps ML/T: meV(ps/nm)
% use one or other of the following two lines:
%molData = molecuReInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) % display test only
molData1 = moleculeInit(N(1),T(1),startRange1,r(1),M(1)) % display test only
molData2 = moleculeInit(N(2),T(2),startRange2,r(2),M(2)) % display test only
molData = [molData1;molData2];
momenCum = zeros(10,2); % initialize parameters for momenCumHist
momenAvg = []; % ditto
[momenCum,momenAvg] = momenCumHisto(molData,momenCum,momenAvg);
enerIgn = energyHisDis(momenCum,[]); % capture and plot initial energy ignorance
oldMolData = molData;
sizeMolData = size(molData);
noVals = sizeMolData(1);
abcd(1) = -ab(1); abcd(2) = ab(1); abcd(3) = -ab(2); abcd(4) = ab(2);
happIndx = 0; % keep track of number of steps
time = 0.0; % keep track of time
stepChunk = 100; % iterate this many steps then check if more wanted
firstChunk = true; % to detect first collisions at resume time
%stepChunk = 1; % test only
chunkNo = 0;
mix = 0; % initially don't mix the gases in top and bottom
tic % elapsed time
% Loop starts here
collision = false;
% find time of next collision
record = []; % record of collision times, results
for v1 = 1:noVals
c1b = [molData(v1,1); molData(v1,2)];
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
M1 = molData(v1,6);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
[delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(c1b,p1b,M1,r1,abcd); % display test only
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v1,centre(1),centre(2),centre(1),centre(2)]];
for v2 = v1+1:noVals
c2b = [molData(v2,1); molData(v2,2)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
M2 = molData(v2,6);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
[delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M1,M2,r1,r2);
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v2,cntr1(1),cntr1(2),cntr2(1),cntr2(2)]];
end % for v2
end % for v1
%sqrt choose and execute next collision
next = minrows(record); % smallest delTime wins display test only
time = time + next(1);
v1 = next(2);
v2 = next(3);
c1 = [next(4);next(5)];
c2 = [next(6);next(7)];
deltaX1 = c1(1) - molData(v1,1);
deltaY1 = c1(2) - molData(v1,2);
deltaX2 = c2(1) - molData(v2,1);
deltaY2 = c2(2) - molData(v2,2);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
M1 = molData(v1,6);
M2 = molData(v2,6);
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
if v1==v2 % collision is with wall
p1 = molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0,mix);
deltaPx1 = p1(1) - p1b(1); % change of momentum at wall
deltaPy1 = p1(2) - p1b(2);
% molData for v1 is common to both these branches: done afterwards
else % v1~=v2
collision = true; % test only: used to update afterColl
C12 = c2 - c1;
[p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M1,M2,p1b,p2b,0,C12); % display test only
molData(v2,1) = c2(1);
molData(v2,2) = c2(2);
molData(v2,3) = p2(1);
molData(v2,4) = p2(2);
molData(v2,7) = (p2(1).^2 + p2(2).^2)/(2*M2*10.36); % energy
end % if v1==v2
molData(v1,1) = c1(1);
molData(v1,2) = c1(2);
molData(v1,3) = p1(1);
molData(v1,4) = p1(2);
molData(v1,7) = (p1(1).^2 + p1(2).^2)/(2*M1*10.36); % energy
for v = 1:noVals % update all other molecules' positions
if v==v1 | v==v2, continue, end % if
deltaX = molData(v,3)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
deltaY = molData(v,4)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
molData(v,1) = molData(v,1) + deltaX; % update position
molData(v,2) = molData(v,2) + deltaY;
end % for v
if collision
happIndx = happIndx + 1;
% if mod(happIndx,max(N))==0 % accumulate for every N collisions
if mod(happIndx,1==0) % snapshot every collisions
[momenCum,momenAvg] = momenCumHisto(molData,momenCum,momenAvg);
enerIgn = energyHisDis(momenCum,enerIgn);
momenCumDistr(:,1) = momenCum(:,1)/sum(momenCum(:,1)); % momMagn distr
figure(8) % hardwired: will overwrite any existing figure 8
bw = 10;
title('cumulative momentum magn.')
xlabel('momentum, meV-ps/nm')
momenCum = zeros(10,2); % reset so accumulates over only 10 coll
end % if mod(happIndx,N)==0
if mod(happIndx,stepChunk)==0
enerIgn' % display
elapsed = toc; % elapsed time
chunkNo = chunkNo + 1;
avgEnergy1 = sum(molData(1:N(1),7))/N(1);
avgEnergy2 = sum(molData(N(1)+1:N(1)+N(2),7))/N(2);
energyX = (molData(:,3).^2./(2*10.36*molData(:,6)));
avgEnergyX = sum(energyX)/(N(1)+N(2)); % check equipartition
energyY = (molData(:,4).^2./(2*10.36*molData(:,6)));
avgEnergyY = sum(energyY)/(N(1)+N(2));
disp(['Average energies: gas 1 ' num2str(avgEnergy1) ' gas 2 ' ...
num2str(avgEnergy2) ' x partition ' num2str(avgEnergyX) ...
' y partition ' num2str(avgEnergyY)])
reply = input([num2str(elapsed) ' elapsed, ' num2str(time) ' ps.: another ' num2str(stepChunk) ' collisions? y/m[mix]/n '],'s');
if isempty(reply)
reply = 'y';
end % if isempty
if reply=='m' % toggle mixing gases
mix = ~mix;
reply = 'y';
end % if reply==
if reply~='y' % not 'y'
else tic % elapsed time
end % if reply~=
end % if mod()
end % if collision
end % while(true)
% function smooth2enerIgn(runlen) THM 101118
% ruunig average smoothing of energy ignorance found by ../newsim2/tmptureSim()
% input runlen length of smoothing runs
function smooth2enerIgn(runlen)
enerIgn1 =... % 72 lines
[0.9797; 0.9797; 0.9896; 0.9797; 0.9687; 0.9687; 0.9687;...
0.9797; 1.0287; 1.0287; 1.0287; 1.0287; 1.0287; 1.0177;...
1.0177; 1.0177; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056;...
1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056;...
1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056;...
1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0056; 1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406;...
1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406;...
1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406;...
1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0406; 1.0273; 1.0273; 1.0273; 1.0273;...
1.0273; 1.0273; 1.0273; 1.0871; 1.0871; 1.1602; 1.2374;...
1.2929; 1.2929; 1.3236; 1.3700; 1.3700; 1.3647; 1.3507;...
1.3740; 1.3902; 1.3816; 1.4147; 1.3979; 1.4034; 1.3694;...
1.3577; 1.3330; 1.3330; 1.3635; 1.3724; 1.3753; 1.3753;...
1.3648; 1.3878; 1.3799; 1.3925; 1.3920; 1.3611; 1.3733;...
1.3560; 1.3918; 1.4063; 1.4231; 1.4286; 1.4477; 1.4477;...
1.4697; 1.4925; 1.4832; 1.4936; 1.4680; 1.4680; 1.4642;...
1.4642; 1.4642; 1.4733; 1.4783; 1.4822; 1.4609; 1.4609;...
1.4609; 1.4426; 1.4426; 1.4347; 1.4347; 1.4347; 1.4563;...
1.4563; 1.4531; 1.4498; 1.4267; 1.4699; 1.4926; 1.4789;...
1.4873; 1.4873; 1.4873; 1.4699; 1.4699; 1.4827; 1.4845;...
1.4827; 1.4842; 1.4640; 1.4535; 1.4523; 1.4523; 1.4275;...
1.4462; 1.4462; 1.4462; 1.4456; 1.4657; 1.4614; 1.4614;...
1.4614; 1.4718; 1.4718; 1.4963; 1.4963; 1.4963; 1.4991;...
1.5018; 1.4965; 1.4937; 1.4937; 1.4965; 1.4408; 1.4408;...
1.4408; 1.4489; 1.4330; 1.4315; 1.4315; 1.4366; 1.4344;...
1.4309; 1.4363; 1.4152; 1.4179; 1.4179; 1.4179; 1.4179;...
1.3943; 1.3943; 1.3825; 1.3825; 1.3599; 1.3632; 1.3540;...
1.3605; 1.3522; 1.3285; 1.3522; 1.3522; 1.3522; 1.3757;...
1.3757; 1.3757; 1.3757; 1.3757; 1.3757; 1.3757; 1.3757;...
1.3757; 1.3975; 1.4178; 1.4368; 1.4545; 1.4580; 1.4806;...
1.4806; 1.4806; 1.4979; 1.5141; 1.5141; 1.5088; 1.5088;...
1.5230; 1.5364; 1.5488; 1.5565; 1.5482; 1.5482; 1.5482;...
1.5482; 1.5482; 1.5353; 1.5353; 1.5353; 1.5353; 1.5511;...
1.5511; 1.5596; 1.5596; 1.5547; 1.5547; 1.5547; 1.5547;...
1.5547; 1.5547; 1.5694; 1.5694; 1.5694; 1.5547; 1.5457;...
1.5604; 1.5569; 1.5569; 1.5422; 1.5542; 1.5671; 1.5671;...
1.5671; 1.5671; 1.5671; 1.5792; 1.5792; 1.5792; 1.5903;...
1.5903; 1.5513; 1.5513; 1.5513; 1.5611; 1.5702; 1.5702;...
1.5702; 1.5702; 1.5702; 1.5702; 1.5702; 1.5611; 1.5650;...
1.5650; 1.5650; 1.5650; 1.5650; 1.5657; 1.5727; 1.5721;...
1.5721; 1.5630; 1.5593; 1.5593; 1.5593; 1.5593; 1.5593;...
1.5593; 1.5649; 1.5664; 1.5664; 1.5937; 1.5937; 1.5937;...
1.5918; 1.5889; 1.5889; 1.5738; 1.5738; 1.5738; 1.5738;...
1.5738; 1.5498; 1.5392; 1.5229; 1.5229; 1.5229; 1.5285;...
1.5285; 1.5285; 1.5377; 1.5438; 1.5438; 1.5285; 1.5269;...
1.5199; 1.5199; 1.5199; 1.5199; 1.5173; 1.5173; 1.5173;...
1.5173; 1.5173; 1.5280; 1.5335; 1.5335; 1.5433; 1.5433;...
1.5727; 1.5727; 1.5727; 1.5727; 1.5774; 1.5952; 1.5949;...
1.5949; 1.5546; 1.5546; 1.5546; 1.5546; 1.5546; 1.6011;...
1.6011; 1.6011; 1.6011; 1.5931; 1.5973; 1.5973; 1.5893;...
1.5893; 1.5468; 1.5468; 1.5650; 1.5738; 1.5588; 1.5588;...
1.5588; 1.5674; 1.5625; 1.5452; 1.5452; 1.5452; 1.5684;...
1.5684; 1.5789; 1.5938; 1.5903; 1.5903; 1.5994; 1.6078;...
1.6078; 1.6537; 1.6537; 1.6449; 1.6449; 1.6353; 1.6449;...
1.6578; 1.6685; 1.6685; 1.6685; 1.6657; 1.6525; 1.6525;...
1.6571; 1.6571; 1.6571; 1.6468; 1.6468; 1.6468; 1.6647;...
1.6647; 1.6637; 1.6625; 1.6652; 1.6652; 1.6193; 1.6297;...
1.6297; 1.6297; 1.6377; 1.6390; 1.6368; 1.6368; 1.5987;...
1.5873; 1.5873; 1.5948; 1.5990; 1.6206; 1.6206; 1.6489;...
1.6365; 1.6365; 1.6365; 1.6365; 1.6365; 1.6365; 1.6136;...
1.6011; 1.5934; 1.5934; 1.6214; 1.6214; 1.6214; 1.6214;...
1.6342; 1.6382; 1.6198; 1.5935; 1.5952; 1.5891; 1.5891;...
1.5891; 1.5769; 1.6152; 1.6152; 1.6021; 1.6021; 1.6483;...
1.5966; 1.5945; 1.5945; 1.5945; 1.5945; 1.6001; 1.6047;...
1.6278; 1.6638; 1.6638; 1.6513; 1.6101; 1.6307; 1.6455;...
1.6440; 1.6440; 1.6564; 1.6564; 1.6491; 1.6591; 1.6411;...
1.6022; 1.5788; 1.5504; 1.5628; 1.5785; 1.5934; 1.5934;...
1.5563; 1.5594; 1.5632; 1.5720; 1.5673; 1.5673; 1.5700;...
1.5700; 1.5700; 1.5623; 1.5797; 1.5951; 1.6013; 1.6013;...
1.6013; 1.6013; 1.6013; 1.6013; 1.5903; 1.5903; 1.5903;...
1.5903; 1.5903; 1.5903; 1.5868; 1.5947; 1.5718; 1.5718;...
1.5718; 1.5862; 1.6073; 1.6073];
top = 501 - 1 - runlen;
for j = 1:top
accum = 0;
for k = 1:runlen
% cleverer code would initialize accum array then replace 1 value at a time
accum = accum + enerIgn1(j+k-1);
end % for k
enerApp1(j) = accum/runlen;
end % for j
xlabel('time (# collisions)')
ylabel('energy ignorance before mixing starts')
enerIgn2=... % 72 lines
[1.6073; 1.6073; 1.6054;...
1.5763; 1.5763; 1.5796; 1.5796; 1.5701; 1.5701; 1.5701;...
1.5426; 1.5517; 1.5517; 1.5601; 1.6010; 1.6010; 1.6110;...
1.6110; 1.6110; 1.6571; 1.6571; 1.6571; 1.7058; 1.6921;...
1.6921; 1.7245; 1.7200; 1.7519; 1.7545; 1.7483; 1.7396;...
1.6843; 1.6843; 1.7002; 1.6783; 1.6883; 1.6783; 1.6745;...
1.6511; 1.6661; 1.6661; 1.6661; 1.6564; 1.6564; 1.6564;...
1.6564; 1.6564; 1.6564; 1.6754; 1.6754; 1.6754; 1.6866;...
1.6784; 1.6774; 1.6942; 1.7034; 1.7034; 1.7122; 1.7069;...
1.7364; 1.7364; 1.7364; 1.7477; 1.7477; 1.7477; 1.7477;...
1.7384; 1.7301; 1.7321; 1.7321; 1.6935; 1.6996; 1.7078;...
1.7197; 1.7188; 1.7188; 1.7122; 1.7122; 1.7122; 1.7076;...
1.7076; 1.7390; 1.7361; 1.7416; 1.7374; 1.7463; 1.7374;...
1.7374; 1.7299; 1.7220; 1.7153; 1.6959; 1.6959; 1.6959;...
1.6959; 1.6959; 1.7102; 1.7070; 1.7070; 1.7228; 1.7319;...
1.7345; 1.7395; 1.7395; 1.7310; 1.7310; 1.7398; 1.7429;...
1.7817; 1.7980; 1.8116; 1.8116; 1.8163; 1.8393; 1.8483;...
1.8393; 1.8288; 1.8288; 1.8197; 1.8293; 1.8293; 1.8255;...
1.8255; 1.8255; 1.8295; 1.8295; 1.8304; 1.8304; 1.8388;...
1.8388; 1.8408; 1.8408; 1.8463; 1.8463; 1.8463; 1.8463;...
1.8408; 1.8481; 1.8481; 1.8456; 1.8465; 1.8465; 1.8465;...
1.8465; 1.8428; 1.8353; 1.8361; 1.8361; 1.8361; 1.8354;...
1.8073; 1.8327; 1.8333; 1.8333; 1.8308; 1.8369; 1.8389;...
1.7934; 1.7900; 1.7950; 1.7942; 1.7615; 1.7615; 1.8145;...
1.8145; 1.8118; 1.8118; 1.8118; 1.8099; 1.8099; 1.8238;...
1.8238; 1.8152; 1.8152; 1.8190; 1.8120; 1.8514; 1.8533;...
1.8527; 1.8527; 1.8541; 1.8541; 1.8527; 1.8540; 1.8484;...
1.8519; 1.8448; 1.8376; 1.8410; 1.8410; 1.8363; 1.8363;...
1.8363; 1.8298; 1.8298; 1.8224; 1.7900; 1.7769; 1.7811;...
1.7811; 1.7697; 1.7557; 1.7636; 1.7591; 1.7591; 1.7904;...
1.7904; 1.7904; 1.7910; 1.7786; 1.7786; 1.7515; 1.7555;...
1.7736; 1.7682; 1.7682; 1.7691; 1.7691; 1.7691; 1.7587;...
1.7587; 1.7560; 1.7671; 1.7772; 1.7801; 1.7788; 1.7284;...
1.7293; 1.7198; 1.7158; 1.7146; 1.6848; 1.6956; 1.6963;...
1.6865; 1.7001; 1.7333; 1.7340; 1.7394; 1.7789; 1.7937;...
1.8022; 1.8098; 1.8046; 1.7867; 1.7867; 1.7960; 1.7960;...
1.7960; 1.7919; 1.7907; 1.7907; 1.7907; 1.7907; 1.7986;...
1.7958; 1.7958; 1.7931; 1.7931; 1.7924; 1.7924; 1.7852;...
1.7852; 1.7898; 1.7819; 1.7886; 1.7863; 1.7776; 1.8022;...
1.8097; 1.8175; 1.8175; 1.8048; 1.8078; 1.8076; 1.8076;...
1.8076; 1.8178; 1.8184; 1.8184; 1.8184; 1.8080; 1.8089;...
1.8056; 1.8033; 1.7978; 1.7978; 1.8136; 1.8136; 1.8148;...
1.8212; 1.8212; 1.8212; 1.8190; 1.8225; 1.8158; 1.8069;...
1.8134; 1.8128; 1.8128; 1.8128; 1.8128; 1.8049; 1.8049;...
1.8198; 1.8188; 1.8188; 1.8188; 1.8209; 1.8209; 1.8209;...
1.8209; 1.8206; 1.8206; 1.8209; 1.8108; 1.8174; 1.8121;...
1.8121; 1.7868; 1.7636; 1.7690; 1.7636; 1.7703; 1.7703;...
1.7688; 1.7740; 1.7740; 1.7740; 1.8207; 1.8207; 1.8224;...
1.8154; 1.8052; 1.8052; 1.7985; 1.7996; 1.7986; 1.8085;...
1.8085; 1.8085; 1.8098; 1.8180; 1.8210; 1.8225; 1.8172;...
1.8181; 1.8181; 1.8188; 1.8269; 1.8202; 1.8249; 1.8233;...
1.8233; 1.8233; 1.8068; 1.8141; 1.8141; 1.8141; 1.8068;...
1.8074; 1.8097; 1.8097; 1.8082; 1.8096; 1.8003; 1.8003;...
1.8003; 1.7966; 1.8145; 1.7950; 1.7950; 1.7950; 1.7950;...
1.8049; 1.7950; 1.7950; 1.7950; 1.7950; 1.8010; 1.8124;...
1.8085; 1.8085; 1.8240; 1.8206; 1.8206; 1.8200; 1.8116;...
1.8116; 1.8473; 1.8800; 1.8800; 1.8800; 1.8800; 1.8800;...
1.8874; 1.8824; 1.8824; 1.9067; 1.9067; 1.9067; 1.9067;...
1.9019; 1.8891; 1.8891; 1.8674; 1.8763; 1.8763; 1.8727;...
1.8760; 1.8760; 1.8850; 1.8850; 1.8876; 1.8968; 1.9043;...
1.9043; 1.9067; 1.9126; 1.9126; 1.9093; 1.9103; 1.9103;...
1.9326; 1.9326; 1.9318; 1.9318; 1.9302; 1.9302; 1.9293;...
1.9293; 1.9313; 1.9313; 1.9313; 1.9313; 1.9319; 1.9327;...
1.9267; 1.9335; 1.9314; 1.9350; 1.9164; 1.9164; 1.9164;...
1.8789; 1.8781; 1.8791; 1.8768; 1.8782; 1.8782; 1.8759;...
1.8759; 1.8742; 1.8729; 1.8729; 1.8729; 1.8729; 1.8772;...
1.8230; 1.8230; 1.8096; 1.8043; 1.8043; 1.8069; 1.8083;...
1.8083; 1.8060; 1.8060; 1.7975; 1.8151; 1.8038; 1.8182;...
1.8247; 1.8069; 1.8069; 1.8069; 1.8069; 1.8069; 1.7985;...
1.7964; 1.8224; 1.8084; 1.8172; 1.8172; 1.8148; 1.8115;...
1.8115; 1.8362; 1.8690; 1.8675; 1.8602; 1.8612; 1.8641;...
1.8675; 1.8713; 1.8724; 1.8750; 1.8750; 1.8750; 1.8764];
top = 500 - 1 - runlen;
for j = 1:top
accum = 0;
for k = 1:runlen
% cleverer code would initialize accum array then replace 1 value at a time
accum = accum + enerIgn2(j+k-1);
end % for k
enerApp2(j) = accum/runlen;
end % for j
xlabel('time (# collisions)')
ylabel('energy ignorance after mixing starts')
plot(1:1001,[enerIgn1;enerIgn2],'b',1+runlen/2:500-runlen/2, enerApp1,'r',502+runlen/2:1000-runlen/2,enerApp2,'r')
% function molData = presSim(N,T,r,M,ab) THM 101124
% N molecules each of radius r (nm), mass M (AMU) at temperature T (degK)
% Helium 0.049nm (1), 4AMU; Neon 0.051 m (1), 20AMU; Argon 0.088nm (1.8), 40AMU)
% find; molecules in box [-ab(1),ab(1)]x[-ab(2),ab(2)] nanometers
% (initially symmetrical, stored abcd [abcd(1),abcd(2)]x[abcd(3),abcd(4)])
% Return molData
% uses molData = moleculeInit(N,T,startRange,r,M)
% [delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,ab);
% [delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M,M,r,r);
% p1= molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0);
% [p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M,M,p1b,p2b,0,C12);
% molDatAverage = molDataHisto(molData,[]);
% Differs from statSim() by plotting rates of change of momentum per unit side;
% also avoids first 100 collisions.
function molData = presSim(N,T,r,M,ab)
% initialize
startRange = [0,0,5,0,0,40,50];
% l h s x y l h s is stdev in nm of spread along line of angle
% ang cntr from ang_l to ang_h centred at x,y
% ----pos--- mom mom_l to mom_h is angle of motion direction
% for box -20:20*-10:10 try exactly 45 degrees from exactly (0,0)
% generates molData[N * cx,cy,px,py,r,M,E]
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
% L: nm T: ps M: meV(ps/nm)^2 L/T: nm/ps ML/T: meV(ps/nm)
molData = moleculeInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) % display test only
% molDatAverage = molDataHisto(molData,[]);
oldMolData = molData;
sizeMolData = size(molData);
noVals = sizeMolData(1);
abcd(1) = -ab(1); abcd(2) = ab(1); abcd(3) = -ab(2); abcd(4) = ab(2);
happIndx = 0; % keep track of number of steps
time = 0.0; % keep track of time
oldTime = 0;
stepChunk = 100; % iterate this many steps then check if more wanted
firstChunk = true; % to detect first collisions at resume time
%stepChunk = 1; % test only
chunkNo = 0;
totTop = 0; numTop = 0; % initialize momentum counting accumulators
totBot = 0; numBot = 0; % initialize momentum counting accumulators
totRgt = 0; numRgt = 0; % initialize momentum counting accumulators
totLft = 0; numLft = 0; % initialize momentum counting accumulators
pressure = [];
tic % elapsed time
% Loop starts here
collision = false;
% find time of next collision
record = []; % record of collision times, results
for v1 = 1:noVals
c1b = [molData(v1,1); molData(v1,2)];
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
M1 = molData(v1,6);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
[delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(c1b,p1b,M1,r1,abcd); % display test only
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v1,centre(1),centre(2),centre(1),centre(2)]];
for v2 = v1+1:noVals
c2b = [molData(v2,1); molData(v2,2)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
M2 = molData(v2,6);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
[delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M1,M2,r1,r2);
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v2,cntr1(1),cntr1(2),cntr2(1),cntr2(2)]];
end % for v2
end % for v1
%sqrt choose and execute next collision
next = minrows(record); % smallest delTime wins display test only
time = time + next(1);
v1 = next(2);
v2 = next(3);
c1 = [next(4);next(5)];
c2 = [next(6);next(7)];
deltaX1 = c1(1) - molData(v1,1);
deltaY1 = c1(2) - molData(v1,2);
deltaX2 = c2(1) - molData(v2,1);
deltaY2 = c2(2) - molData(v2,2);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
M1 = molData(v1,6);
M2 = molData(v2,6);
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
if v1==v2 % collision is with wall
p1 = molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0);
deltaPx1 = p1(1) - p1b(1); % change of momentum at wall
deltaPy1 = p1(2) - p1b(2);
% distinguish collision on top, bottom, right, left sides and accumulate
if deltaPx1==0
if deltaPy1<0
totTop = totTop + deltaPy1;
numTop = numTop + 1;
else % deltaPy1>=0 and the == doesn't matter
totBot = totBot + deltaPy1;
numBot = numBot + 1;
end % if deltaPy1<0
end %if deltaPx1==0
if deltaPy1==0
if deltaPx1<0
totRgt = totRgt + deltaPx1;
numRgt = numRgt + 1;
else % deltaPx1>=0 and the == doesn't matter
totLft = totLft + deltaPx1;
numLft = numLft + 1;
end % if deltaPx1<0
end %if deltaPy1==0
% molData for v1 is common to both these branches: done afterwards
else % v1~=v2
collision = true; % test only: used to update afterColl
C12 = c2 - c1;
[p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M1,M2,p1b,p2b,0,C12); % display test only
molData(v2,1) = c2(1);
molData(v2,2) = c2(2);
molData(v2,3) = p2(1);
molData(v2,4) = p2(2);
molData(v2,7) = (p2(1).^2 + p2(2).^2)/(2*M2*10.36); % energy
end % if v1==v2
molData(v1,1) = c1(1);
molData(v1,2) = c1(2);
molData(v1,3) = p1(1);
molData(v1,4) = p1(2);
molData(v1,7) = (p1(1).^2 + p1(2).^2)/(2*M1*10.36); % energy
for v = 1:noVals % update all other molecules' positions
if v==v1 | v==v2, continue, end % if
deltaX = molData(v,3)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
deltaY = molData(v,4)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
molData(v,1) = molData(v,1) + deltaX; % update position
molData(v,2) = molData(v,2) + deltaY;
end % for v
if collision
happIndx = happIndx + 1;
if mod(happIndx,stepChunk)==0
elapsed = toc; % elapsed time
chunkNo = chunkNo + 1;
if firstChunk
firstChunk = false;
end % if firstChunk
% molDatAverage = molDataHisto(molData,molDatAverage);
reply = input([num2str(elapsed) ' elapsed, ' num2str(time) ' ps.: another ' num2str(stepChunk) ' collisions? y/n '],'s');
if isempty(reply)
reply = 'y';
if reply~='y' % not 'y'
pressure = [pressure;[totTop/a/t,totBot/a/t,totRgt/b/t,totLft/b/t]];
pressure % display pressure
sizePressure = size(pressure);
P = sizePressure(1);
figure(16) % hardwired: will overwrite any fig 16
title('pressures on four sides')
xlabel(['chunks of ' num2str(stepChunk) ' intermol coll'])
ylabel('pressure (meV/nm^2)')
% NB 3-D pressure is meV/nm^3 = 1.6 atm (1 atm = 101325 Pa (J/m^3) and
% conversion meV = 1.602 176 53*10^-22 J)
else tic % elapsed time
t = time - oldTime;
a = ab(1);
b = ab(2);
pressure = [pressure;[totTop/a/t,totBot/a/t,totRgt/b/t,totLft/b/t]];
totTop = 0; numTop = 0; % reset momentum counting accumulators
totBot = 0; numBot = 0; % reset momentum counting accumulators
totRgt = 0; numRgt = 0; % reset momentum counting accumulators
totLft = 0; numLft = 0; % reset momentum counting accumulators
oldTime = time;
end % if reply
end % if mod()
end % if collision
end % while(true)
% function molData = press2Sim(N,T,r,M,ab) THM 101118
% N molecules each of radius r (nm), mass M (AMU) at temperature T (degK)
% N,T,r,M 2*1 column vectors to accommodate 2 gases
% Helium 0.049nm (1), 4AMU; Neon 0.051 m (1), 20AMU; Argon 0.088nm (1.8), 40AMU)
% find; molecules in box [-ab(1),ab(1)]x[-ab(2),ab(2)] nanometers
% (initially symmetrical, stored abcd [abcd(1),abcd(2)]x[abcd(3),abcd(4)])
% Return molData
% uses molData = molecuReInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) fixed initial config.
% or molData1 = moleculeInit(N(1),T(1),startRange1,r(1),M(1))
% [delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,ab);
% [delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M,M,r,r);
% p1= molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0,mix);
% [p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M,M,p1b,p2b,0,C12);
% Differs from tmptureSim by tracking the pressures of the two gases before and
% after mixing: see ../newsim1/presSim(). Does not record energy stats.
function molData = press2Sim(N,T,r,M,ab)
% initialize
startRange1 = [0,0,5,0,0,40,50];
startRange2 = [0,0,5,0,0,-50,-40];
% l h s x y l h s is stdev in nm of spread along line of angle
% ang cntr from ang_l to ang_h centred at x,y
% ----pos--- mom mom_l to mom_h is angle of motion direction
% for box -20:20*-10:10 try exactly 45 degrees from exactly (0,0)
% generates molData[N * cx,cy,px,py,r,M,E]
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
% L: nm T: ps M: meV(ps/nm)^2 L/T: nm/ps ML/T: meV(ps/nm)
% use one or other of the following two lines:
%molData = molecuReInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) % display test only
molData1 = moleculeInit(N(1),T(1),startRange1,r(1),M(1)) % display test only
molData2 = moleculeInit(N(2),T(2),startRange2,r(2),M(2)) % display test only
molData = [molData1;molData2];
oldMolData = molData;
sizeMolData = size(molData);
noVals = sizeMolData(1);
abcd(1) = -ab(1); abcd(2) = ab(1); abcd(3) = -ab(2); abcd(4) = ab(2);
happIndx = 0; % keep track of number of steps
time = 0.0; % keep track of time
oldTime = 0.0;
stepChunk = 100; % iterate this many steps then check if more wanted
firstChunk = true; % to detect first collisions at resume time
%stepChunk = 1; % test only
chunkNo = 0;
mix = 0; % initially don't mix the gases in top and bottom
totTop = 0; numTop = 0; % initialize momentum counting accumulators
totBot = 0; numBot = 0; % initialize momentum counting accumulators
pressure = [];
tic % elapsed time
% Loop starts here
collision = false;
% find time of next collision
record = []; % record of collision times, results
for v1 = 1:noVals
c1b = [molData(v1,1); molData(v1,2)];
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
M1 = molData(v1,6);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
[delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(c1b,p1b,M1,r1,abcd); % display test only
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v1,centre(1),centre(2),centre(1),centre(2)]];
for v2 = v1+1:noVals
c2b = [molData(v2,1); molData(v2,2)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
M2 = molData(v2,6);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
[delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M1,M2,r1,r2);
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v2,cntr1(1),cntr1(2),cntr2(1),cntr2(2)]];
end % for v2
end % for v1
%sqrt choose and execute next collision
next = minrows(record); % smallest delTime wins display test only
time = time + next(1);
v1 = next(2);
v2 = next(3);
c1 = [next(4);next(5)];
c2 = [next(6);next(7)];
deltaX1 = c1(1) - molData(v1,1);
deltaY1 = c1(2) - molData(v1,2);
deltaX2 = c2(1) - molData(v2,1);
deltaY2 = c2(2) - molData(v2,2);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
M1 = molData(v1,6);
M2 = molData(v2,6);
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
if v1==v2 % collision is with wall
p1 = molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0,mix);
deltaPx1 = p1(1) - p1b(1); % change of momentum at wall
deltaPy1 = p1(2) - p1b(2);
% distinguish collision on top for gas 1, bottom for gas 2 and accumulate
if deltaPx1==0
if deltaPy1<0
if v1<=N(1) % molecule belongs to upper gas (1)
totTop = totTop + deltaPy1;
numTop = numTop + 1;
end % if v1<=N(1)
else % deltaPy1>=0 and the == doesn't matter
if v1>N(1) % molecule belongs to lower gas (2)
totBot = totBot + deltaPy1;
numBot = numBot + 1;
end % if v1>N(1)
end % if deltaPy1<0
end %if deltaPx1==0
% molData for v1 is common to both these branches: done afterwards
else % v1~=v2
collision = true; % test only: used to update afterColl
C12 = c2 - c1;
[p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M1,M2,p1b,p2b,0,C12); % display test only
molData(v2,1) = c2(1);
molData(v2,2) = c2(2);
molData(v2,3) = p2(1);
molData(v2,4) = p2(2);
molData(v2,7) = (p2(1).^2 + p2(2).^2)/(2*M2*10.36); % energy
end % if v1==v2
molData(v1,1) = c1(1);
molData(v1,2) = c1(2);
molData(v1,3) = p1(1);
molData(v1,4) = p1(2);
molData(v1,7) = (p1(1).^2 + p1(2).^2)/(2*M1*10.36); % energy
for v = 1:noVals % update all other molecules' positions
if v==v1 | v==v2, continue, end % if
deltaX = molData(v,3)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
deltaY = molData(v,4)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
molData(v,1) = molData(v,1) + deltaX; % update position
molData(v,2) = molData(v,2) + deltaY;
end % for v
if collision
happIndx = happIndx + 1;
if mod(happIndx,stepChunk)==0
elapsed = toc; % elapsed time
chunkNo = chunkNo + 1;
avgEnergy1 = sum(molData(1:N(1),7))/N(1);
avgEnergy2 = sum(molData(N(1)+1:N(1)+N(2),7))/N(2);
energyX = (molData(:,3).^2./(2*10.36*molData(:,6)));
avgEnergyX = sum(energyX)/(N(1)+N(2)); % check equipartition
energyY = (molData(:,4).^2./(2*10.36*molData(:,6)));
avgEnergyY = sum(energyY)/(N(1)+N(2));
disp(['Average energies: gas 1 ' num2str(avgEnergy1) ', gas 2 ' ...
num2str(avgEnergy2) ', x partition ' num2str(avgEnergyX) ...
', y partition ' num2str(avgEnergyY)])
reply = input([num2str(elapsed) ' elapsed, ' num2str(time) ' ps.: another ' num2str(stepChunk) ' collisions? y/m[mix]/n '],'s');
if isempty(reply)
reply = 'y';
end % if isempty
if reply=='m' % toggle mixing gases
mix = ~mix;
reply = 'y';
end % if reply==
if reply~='y' % not 'y'
pressure = [pressure;[-totTop/a/t,totBot/a/t]];
pressure % display pressure
sizePressure = size(pressure);
P = sizePressure(1);
else tic % elapsed time
t = time - oldTime;
a = ab(1);
b = ab(2);
pressure = [pressure;[-totTop/a/t,totBot/a/t]];
sizePressure = size(pressure);
P = sizePressure(1);
figure(17) % hardwired: will overwrite any fig 17
title('pressures of upper and lower gases')
xlabel(['chunks of ' num2str(stepChunk) ' intermol coll'])
ylabel('pressure (meV/nm^2)')
% NB 3-D pressure is meV/nm^3 = 1.6 atm (1 atm = 101325 Pa (J/m^3) and
% conversion meV = 1.602 176 53*10^-22 J)
totTop = 0; numTop = 0; % reset momentum counting accumulators
totBot = 0; numBot = 0; % reset momentum counting accumulators
oldTime = time;
end % if reply~=
end % if mod()
end % if collision
end % while(true)
% function molData = chmpotSim(N,T,r,M,ab) THM 101118
% N molecules each of radius r (nm), mass M (AMU) at temperature T (degK)
% N,T,r,M 2*1 column vectors to accommodate 2 gases
% Helium 0.049nm (1), 4AMU; Neon 0.051 m (1), 20AMU; Argon 0.088nm (1.8), 40AMU)
% find; molecules in box [-ab(1),ab(1)]x[-ab(2),ab(2)] nanometers
% (initially symmetrical, stored abcd [abcd(1),abcd(2)]x[abcd(3),abcd(4)])
% Return molData
% uses molData = molecuReInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) fixed initial config.
% or molData1 = moleculeInit(N(1),T(1),startRange1,r(1),M(1))
% [delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(cb,p,M,r,ab);
% [delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M,M,r,r);
% p1= molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0,mix);
% [p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M,M,p1b,p2b,0,C12);
% Differs from tmptureSim, press2Sim by tracking the centres of masses of the
% two gases before and after mixing
function molData = chmpotSim(N,T,r,M,ab)
% initialize
startRange1 = [0,0,5,0,0,40,50];
startRange2 = [0,0,5,0,0,-50,-40];
% l h s x y l h s is stdev in nm of spread along line of angle
% ang cntr from ang_l to ang_h centred at x,y
% ----pos--- mom mom_l to mom_h is angle of motion direction
% for box -20:20*-10:10 try exactly 45 degrees from exactly (0,0)
% generates molData[N * cx,cy,px,py,r,M,E]
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
% L: nm T: ps M: meV(ps/nm)^2 L/T: nm/ps ML/T: meV(ps/nm)
% use one or other of the following two lines:
%molData = molecuReInit(N,T,startRange,r,M) % display test only
molData1 = moleculeInit(N(1),T(1),startRange1,r(1),M(1)) % display test only
molData2 = moleculeInit(N(2),T(2),startRange2,r(2),M(2)) % display test only
molData = [molData1;molData2];
oldMolData = molData;
sizeMolData = size(molData);
noVals = sizeMolData(1);
abcd(1) = -ab(1); abcd(2) = ab(1); abcd(3) = -ab(2); abcd(4) = ab(2);
happIndx = 0; % keep track of number of steps
time = 0.0; % keep track of time
stepChunk = 100; % iterate this many steps then check if more wanted
firstChunk = true; % to detect first collisions at resume time
%stepChunk = 1; % test only
chunkNo = 0;
mix = 0; % initially don't mix the gases in top and bottom
CofM = [];
tic % elapsed time
% Loop starts here
collision = false;
% find time of next collision
record = []; % record of collision times, results
for v1 = 1:noVals
c1b = [molData(v1,1); molData(v1,2)];
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
M1 = molData(v1,6);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
[delTime,centre] = molCollWallWhen(c1b,p1b,M1,r1,abcd); % display test only
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v1,centre(1),centre(2),centre(1),centre(2)]];
for v2 = v1+1:noVals
c2b = [molData(v2,1); molData(v2,2)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
M2 = molData(v2,6);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
[delTime,cntr1,cntr2] = moleculeCollWhen(c1b,c2b,p1b,p2b,M1,M2,r1,r2);
record = [record;[delTime,v1,v2,cntr1(1),cntr1(2),cntr2(1),cntr2(2)]];
end % for v2
end % for v1
%sqrt choose and execute next collision
next = minrows(record); % smallest delTime wins display test only
time = time + next(1);
v1 = next(2);
v2 = next(3);
c1 = [next(4);next(5)];
c2 = [next(6);next(7)];
deltaX1 = c1(1) - molData(v1,1);
deltaY1 = c1(2) - molData(v1,2);
deltaX2 = c2(1) - molData(v2,1);
deltaY2 = c2(2) - molData(v2,2);
r1 = molData(v1,5);
r2 = molData(v2,5);
M1 = molData(v1,6);
M2 = molData(v2,6);
p1b = [molData(v1,3); molData(v1,4)];
p2b = [molData(v2,3); molData(v2,4)];
if v1==v2 % collision is with wall
p1 = molCollWallCountBot(p1b,1,1,abcd,r1,c1,0,mix);
deltaPx1 = p1(1) - p1b(1); % change of momentum at wall
deltaPy1 = p1(2) - p1b(2);
% molData for v1 is common to both these branches: done afterwards
else % v1~=v2
collision = true; % test only: used to update afterColl
C12 = c2 - c1;
[p1,p2] = moleculeCollide(M1,M2,p1b,p2b,0,C12); % display test only
molData(v2,1) = c2(1);
molData(v2,2) = c2(2);
molData(v2,3) = p2(1);
molData(v2,4) = p2(2);
molData(v2,7) = (p2(1).^2 + p2(2).^2)/(2*M2*10.36); % energy
end % if v1==v2
molData(v1,1) = c1(1);
molData(v1,2) = c1(2);
molData(v1,3) = p1(1);
molData(v1,4) = p1(2);
molData(v1,7) = (p1(1).^2 + p1(2).^2)/(2*M1*10.36); % energy
for v = 1:noVals % update all other molecules' positions
if v==v1 | v==v2, continue, end % if
deltaX = molData(v,3)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
deltaY = molData(v,4)/(molData(v,6)*10.36)*next(1);
molData(v,1) = molData(v,1) + deltaX; % update position
molData(v,2) = molData(v,2) + deltaY;
end % for v
if collision
happIndx = happIndx + 1;
if mod(happIndx,stepChunk)==0
elapsed = toc; % elapsed time
chunkNo = chunkNo + 1;
avgEnergy1 = sum(molData(1:N(1),7))/N(1);
avgEnergy2 = sum(molData(N(1)+1:N(1)+N(2),7))/N(2);
energyX = (molData(:,3).^2./(2*10.36*molData(:,6)));
avgEnergyX = sum(energyX)/(N(1)+N(2)); % check equipartition
energyY = (molData(:,4).^2./(2*10.36*molData(:,6)));
avgEnergyY = sum(energyY)/(N(1)+N(2));
disp(['Average energies: gas 1 ' num2str(avgEnergy1) ', gas 2 ' ...
num2str(avgEnergy2) ', x partition ' num2str(avgEnergyX) ...
', y partition ' num2str(avgEnergyY)])
reply = input([num2str(elapsed) ' elapsed, ' num2str(time) ' ps.: another ' num2str(stepChunk) ' collisions? y/m[mix]/n '],'s');
if isempty(reply)
reply = 'y';
end % if isempty
if reply=='m' % toggle mixing gases
mix = ~mix;
reply = 'y';
end % if reply==
if reply~='y' % not 'y'
else tic % elapsed time
N1 = N(1);
N2 = N(2);
CofM1 = [sum(molData(1:N1,1)),sum(molData(1:N1,2))]/N1;
CofM2 = [sum(molData(N1+1:N1+N2,1)),sum(molData(N1+1:N1+N2,2))]/N2;
CofM = [CofM;[CofM1,CofM2]];
sizeCofM = size(CofM);
C = sizeCofM(1);
figure(18) % hardwired: will overwrite any fig 18
% plot(1:C,CofM(:,1),'b',1:C,CofM(:,2),'g',1:C,CofM(:,3),'r',1:C,CofM(:,4),'m')
title('centres of mass of upper and lower gases')
xlabel(['chunks of ' num2str(stepChunk) ' intermol coll'])
ylabel('centres of mass (nm)')
% NB 3-D pressure is meV/nm^3 = 1.6 atm (1 atm = 101325 Pa (J/m^3) and
% conversion meV = 1.602 176 53*10^-22 J)
% legend('upper x','upper y','lower x','lower y')
legend('upper y','lower y','Location','Best')
end % if reply~=
end % if mod()
end % if collision
end % while(true)