School of Computer Science
Computer Science COMP 199 (Winter term)
Excursions in Computing Science
% histogArith.m mutInfo.m
% histogArith.m THM 090824
% function hist = histogArith(hist1,op,hist2)
% arithmetic operations on histograms (discrete absolute distributions)
% e.g. 1 2 3 2 1
% + -2 -1 0 1 2
% 1 -1 -3 -2 -1 0 1
% 1 0 -2 -1 0 1 2 => -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 hist(1,k)
% 1 1 -1 0 1 2 3 1 3 6 7 6 3 1 hist(2,k)
% these are not equi-step histograms
% e.g. 1 1 1
% + -1 0 1
% 1 -4 -5 -4 -3
% 1 0 -1 0 1 => -5 -4 -3 -1 0 1 3 4 5 NB missing -2 2
% 1 4 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
% usage: print and plot (histogArith plots bighist)
% hist1 = [-1,0,1;1,1,1]
% hist = histogArith(hist1,'+',hist1)
% hold on
% hist = histogArith(hist1,'+',hist)
%First attemt
% histograms conceptually indexed by range[from,by,to]: for k=1:1:(to-from)/by+1
%function [hist,range] = histogArith(hist1,range1,op,hist2,range2)
%if range1(1,2)==range2(1,2) % initial implementation: by1 = by2
% switch op
% case {'+','-'}
% otherwise disp('histogArith ',op,' not implemented')
% end %switch op
%else disp('histogArith implementation requires range1(2)==range2(2): ',
% range1(1,2), range2(1,2))
%end %if range1(1,2)==range2(1,2)
function hist = histogArith(hist1,op,hist2)
% find range for bighist:
n1 = min(hist1(1,:));
n2 = min(hist2(1,:));
x1 = max(hist1(1,:));
x2 = max(hist2(1,:));
switch op
case '+'
from = n1 + n2;
to = x1 + x2;
case '-'
from = n1 - x2;
to = x1 - n2;
case '*'
xtremes = [n1*n2,n1*x2,x1*n2,x1*x2];
from = min(xtremes);
to = max(xtremes);
case '/' % careful: bighist below needs integers; not guaran even after mult
xtremes = [n1*n2,n1*x2,x1*n2,x1*x2]; % same size as mult:will expand
from = min(xtremes);
to = max(xtremes);
case {'x','n'} % mxx, min
from = min(n1,n2);
to = max(x1,x2);
['histogArith operator ' op ' not implemented']
% I don't know how to terminate _my_ program, so this will fail on bighist =
end %switch op
sz1 = size(hist1);
sz2 = size(hist2);
bighist = zeros(1,to-from+1);
for k1 = 1:sz1(2)
a1 = hist1(1,k1);
a2 = hist1(2,k1);
for k2 = 1:sz2(2)
b1 = hist2(1,k2);
b2 = hist2(2,k2);
switch op
case '+'
ab = a1 + b1;
case '-'
ab = a1 - b1;
case '*'
ab = a1 * b1;
case '/'
ab = a1 / b1;
case 'x'
ab = max(a1,b1);
case 'n'
ab = min(a1,b1);
end %switch op
bighist(1,ab-from+1) = bighist(1,ab-from+1) + a2*b2;
end %for k2 = 1:sz2(2)
end %for k1 = 1:sz1(2)
hist = [];
kk = 0;
for k = 1:to-from+1
if bighist(1,k)~=0,
histvec = [k+from-1; bighist(1,k)];
hist = [hist histvec];
end %if bighist(1,k)~=0
end %for k = 1:to-from+1
% function [mI,tot] = mutInfo(M) THM 120107
% see ../matlab/flowMutInfo.m
% calculate mutual information for unnormalized flow matrix M
% uses log2z()
% (don't confuse with mutInfo(), which assumes normalized distribution)
function [mI,tot] = mutInfo(M)
marg1 = sum(M);
marg2 = sum(M')';
tot = sum(marg1);
expanded = [[M;marg1],[marg2;tot]] % remove ; to display matrix with sums
pjk = M/tot;
pj = marg2/tot;
pk = marg1/tot;
Igpjk = -sum(sum(pjk.*log2z(pjk)));
Ignpj = -sum(pj.*log2z(pj));
Ignpk = -sum(pk.*log2z(pk));
mI = Ignpj + Ignpk - Igpjk;