School of Computer Science
Computer Science COMP 199 (Winter term)
Excursions in Computing Science
%MATLABpak08cII: moireVert.m, moireSquare.m
% function moireVert(n,paramax) THM 090427
% Draw moire patterns with vertical lines -n:n
% paramax is range parameter for animation: +ve for stretch, -ve for rotate
% Try 0.1 for stretch, -0.02 for rotate.
function moireVert(n,paramax)
% Initialize adjacency matrix
A = zeros(2*(2*n+1)); % adjacency matrix
for k = 1:2:4*n+1
A(k,k+1) = 1;
end % for k
for param = -paramax:paramax/21:paramax
% Part I Draw the base lines
for k = 1:2*n + 1
base(2*k-1,1) = k-1-n; % x component of from-coordinate
base(2*k-1,2) = -n; % y component "
base(2*k,1) = k-1-n; % x component of to-coordinate
base(2*k,2) = n; % y component "
end % for k
hold off
% Part II Draw the lines stretched sideways by delta:1 XOR
if paramax >= 0 % do the stretch
for k = 1:2*n+1
stretch(2*k-1,1) = base(2*k-1,1) + (k-1-n)*param;
stretch(2*k-1,2) = base(2*k-1,2)/2;
stretch(2*k,1) = base(2*k,1) + (k-1-n)*param;
stretch(2*k,2) = base(2*k,2)/2;
end % for k
hold on
else % do the rotate
theta = -2*pi*param;
R = [cos(theta),-sin(theta);sin(theta),cos(theta)];
for k = 1:2*n+1
XY = R*[base(2*k-1,1) base(2*k-1,2)]';
rotate(2*k-1,1) = XY(1);
rotate(2*k-1,2) = XY(2);
XY = R*[base(2*k,1) base(2*k,2)]';
rotate(2*k,1) = XY(1);
rotate(2*k,2) = XY(2);
end % for k
hold on
end % if paramax
end %for delta
% function moireSquare(n,paramax) THM 090427
% Draw moire patterns with vertical and horizontal lines -n:n X -n:n
% paramax is range parameter for animation: +ve for stretch, -ve for rotate
% Try 0.1 for stretch, -0.02 for rotate.
function moireSquare(n,paramax)
% Initialize adjacency matrix
A = zeros(2*(2*n+1)); % adjacency matrix
for k = 1:2:4*(2*n+1) % vertical liunes doubled by horizontal lines
A(k,k+1) = 1;
end % for k
for param = -paramax:paramax/21:paramax
% Part I Draw the base lines
for k = 1:2*n + 1
base(2*k-1,1) = k-1-n; % x component of from-coordinate
base(2*k-1,2) = -n; % y component "
base(2*k,1) = k-1-n; % x component of to-coordinate
base(2*k,2) = n; % y component "
end % for k
for k = 1:2*(2*n + 1) % now swap x,y to get horizontal coordinates
base(2*(2*n + 1)+k,1) = base(k,2);
base(2*(2*n + 1)+k,2) = base(k,1);
end % for k
hold off
% Part II Draw the lines stretched sideways by delta:1 XOR
if paramax >= 0 % do the stretch
for k = 1:2*n+1
stretch(2*k-1,1) = base(2*k-1,1) + (k-1-n)*param;
stretch(2*k-1,2) = base(2*k-1,2)/2;
stretch(2*k,1) = base(2*k,1) + (k-1-n)*param;
stretch(2*k,2) = base(2*k,2)/2;
end % for k
for k = 1:2*(2*n + 1) % now swap x,y to get horizontal coordinates
stretch(2*(2*n + 1)+k,1) = stretch(k,2);
stretch(2*(2*n + 1)+k,2) = stretch(k,1);
end % for k
hold on
else % do the rotate
theta = -2*pi*param;
R = [cos(theta),-sin(theta);sin(theta),cos(theta)];
for k = 1:2*(2*n+1)
XY = R*[base(2*k-1,1) base(2*k-1,2)]';
rotate(2*k-1,1) = XY(1);
rotate(2*k-1,2) = XY(2);
XY = R*[base(2*k,1) base(2*k,2)]';
rotate(2*k,1) = XY(1);
rotate(2*k,2) = XY(2);
end % for k
hold on
end % if paramax
end %for delta