Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Cutting the Electricity Bills: Optimization of Distributed Internet
Data Centers in a Multi-Electricity-Market Environment
The study of Cyber-Physical System (CPS) has been an active area of research. Internet Data Center (IDC) is an important emerging Cyber-Physical System. As the demand on Internet services drastically increases in recent years, the power used by IDCs has
been skyrocketing. While most existing
Friday, March 27, 2009
An architecture for secure and accountable pseudonymous online messaging
Today, there exists a wide variety of applications that the average person can use to interact with other over the Internet. However, most of the currently available applications severely lack in the areas of security and accountability. Authentication usually relies on the user sending a password
Friday, January 16, 2009
A robot must clean all corridors in a building. Assume that the robot can clean a corridor by simply traversing it and the robot always chooses to clean a corridor next to its current room that was least recently cleaned. We want to know how long (in the number of corridors traversed) will it take
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sequential simulation technique can be applied as an accurate and
inexpensive measurement approach for performance analysis of real systems.
Unfortunately, the performance of the sequential simulation degrades
when the complexity of the systems is increased. On the other hand,
parallel or
Friday, October 24. 2008
David Titley-Peloquin
I will start by introducing the least squares (LS) problem. I will then present LSQR, an iterative algorithm that can be used to solve LS problems. I will present some surprising convergence behavior in LSQR and propose a new and improved stopping criterion for LSQR. I will attempt to make the