3D duodecahedron Close up of a 3-D fern Side-view of a 3-D fern
Dragon Fractal Tree Close-up of a fractal tree
A spiral A fern A 3-D Cube
Further down the spiral Close-up of a fern Sierpinski's gasket 1
A maple leaf The Koch Curve Sierpinski's gasket 2
The Floor Close up of the right part of the koch curve 3-D Sierpinski (3-D tetrahedron)
Binary Swirl 3-D tetrahedron 2
Except for the fern,3-D fern,the sierpinski's gaskets,and the fractal
trees, the maps used to generate the pictures were taken from pre-defined
maps available in the
fractint program. The maps used
to generate the fern,3-D fern, and the fractal trees were taken from the
book "Fractals Everywhere" by M.Barnsley. The maps used to generate
the koch curves and the sierpinski's triangles were created by me.