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Administrative Information

Privacy statement


You will be completely anonymous to anyone outside the study.


The following data will be collected:

  • Screen recording of you familiarizing yourself with the study material and solving your tasks.
  • The source code and models you produce throughout your study participation.
  • Your self-assessed statement of programming skills.
  • Your self-declared study form where you may provide subjective feedback on your study participation.

All collected data will be protected to ensure your anonymity:

  • Collected data is only associated to a pseudo name
  • Only the PI knows your actual identity
  • The linkage between pseudo and actual identities is stored on an encrypted, offline volume. The volume will be destroyed upon study completion.

The following data may be published:

  • Cumulative information, e.g. average task duration and distribution.
  • Anonymized samples, e.g. produced source code, not showing any details on the participant identity.
  • Samples from your self-declared study form.

Research Ethics Board authorization

Principal Investigator

For any technical question or concern, please reach out to the principal investigator: Maximilian Schiedermeier