Bus Tracker

A tool that shows you the current location of the buses on any given bus-route

You may try out the tool here. If the page does not open, please try again later.

A detailed project report is also available for viewing.

The following screenshots show the tool in action.

In the following shot we can see the complete route taken by the bus 28.
In the following shot we can see the location of the buses at 6pm on route 24 East.
This following image shows the tables from montreal transit website from which the HTML source was parsed
to determine the current locations of the buses, using the current time and mapping it to all stops for a match.
In the following shot we see a bus moving on the 24 East route in a satellite view of Montreal.
The following closeup captures following a bus (in subscription mode) on the 144 East route going towards Drummond.
In subscribe mode, the buses also mimic the real bus in stopping at intersections for passenger pick-up, etc.

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