The Prometheus Lab:

We study multi-agent robotics problems, and the impact of social media on society. Multi-agents include: robot construction, network coordination, artificial intelligence, and simulation. Impact of social media includes: black-box algorithm analysis, bot-based data collection of social media platforms, new healthy GUIs, and policy proposals.

Student Opportunities

As a computer science student: COMP 400

Register in the fall, winter, or summer. Select a project on the right, or propose your own. Work during the term on something you are passionate about in computer science.

As an inter-disciplinary science student: COMP 396

Register in the fall, winter, or summer. Select a project on the right, or propose your own. The purpose of 396 is to mix computer science with another science department. Work on something you are passionate about!

As a volunteer: just email me.

Volunteer fall, winter, summer, or after you graduate. Flex schedule. Work at your own pace (but there are some minimums). Work in a team or alone. You can be any level in computer science.

As a Master's Project student.

Do graduate research in any of the projects described on the right. Simply contact me by email. You must be a graduate student.

Reading Group.

Readings/Study of a research topic. This is often lead by a graduate student or myself. In some cases it can be an indipendent student project.


From time-to-time, I lead a software development seminar that explores a focus area of interest.

Keep an eye out for announcements on my homepage.

From time to time, the announcements section of my homepage posts new research projects. Visit my homepage to see when new opportunities arise.

Research Interests

The Prometheus Project

Multi-level AI. Multi-agent robotics. Simulators. Autonymous group problem solving. Building robots. Sensor and motor simulation and real-life. Group research project that spans multiple years of work.

Intelligent Software Systems

Independent projects that explore merging AI into standard software problems.

Multi-agent Robotics

To migrate the Prometheus Project from a simulated environment into a real robotic environment requires building tools and hardware in the real world that can interface with the multi-level AI of Prometheus. This project also explores the theoretical issues in multi-agent cooperation.

Robotic vision, sensors and motor problems.

Independ projects exploring real devices that take pictures, videos, ultra-sonic sensing, infra-red sensing, touch, etc. Sub-projects: voting vision, location sensing, overcoming navigation hurdles.

Website and Mobile software, technology, and problems.

Independent projects exploring the web and mobile subfields of computer science.

Impact on society of social media.

Exploring the affects of social media on individuals and subgroups. Currently we are looking at ways YouTube and Facebook encourage siloing of thought and experiences, particularly in politics and health.

Software that support student learning

AlphaAI- A new AI language.
CEval- COMP 206 code writing evaluator compiler.
GEmm- COMP 308 INTEL assembler for graphics.

In each of these products the student will need to be able to apply a paradigm on top of a traditional engineering problem. In Alpha AI it is distilling a new way of thinking about AI as a programming language. In CEval it is to enforce code writing standards as a pre-compiler. In GEmm it is to provide OS independent access to the graphics environment when coding in assembler.

J Vybihal (c) 2021 | Motivated by Rachel Turk