Joseph Vybihal

School of Computer Science
McGill University

Office Hours
  • Summer 2024: Email for an appointment.
  • Office ENGMC 323 (McConnell Engineering Building)


Delivery Robot Build
Posted: May 15, 2023
The "Medium Sized Robot Build" has been upgraded to the "Delivery Robot Build". This project seeks to create a robot that can be used in hospitals or institutions. People will be able to place parcels on the robot and then command it to deliver the box to any destination on the floor. The robot will travel using only its vision and sensors. This project will continue the new robot build and create an autonimous navigation system using AI techniques.

Social Computing
Posted: Feb. 1, 2024
Looking for a someone who likes both theory and programming to complete a Twitter (X) research project that is nearly ready for publication. You will continue and complete the work begun by another group. Then we will publish the work! Send me an email.

J Vybihal (c) 2021 | Motivated by Rachel Turk