JAD KABBARA Ph.D. CandidateMcGill University - Mila jad@cs.mcgill.ca News: I graduated from McGill and will be starting a postdoc at the MIT CCC with Prof. Deb Roy in November 2022! I am a PhD student in Computer Science at McGill University. I received my Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering from McGill University in 2014 and, before that, my Bachelor of Engineering in Computer and Communications Engineering (and minor in History) from the American University of Beirut in 2011.My research advisor is Prof. Jackie C.K. Cheung. I am a member of the Reasoning and Learning lab (RL-Lab) and the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (Mila). I am broadly interested in artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Currently, my research focus is on computational pragmatics and natural language understanding. I am particularly interested in the application of deep learning to these problem domains. Our group organizes the CompLing meetings, a series of weekly research seminars in which we host researchers from the industry and academia working in different areas of natural language processing and computational linguistics. To join the CompLing mailing list, please send an email to compling-owner@cs.mcgill.ca. Before getting into AI, I worked on wireless sensor networks for healthcare (@McGill -- ECE department), wireless sensor networks for water monitoring in rivers (@UC-Berkeley -- Floating Sensor Network project) and WiMAX networking (@Mobinets). |
AWARDS COLING 2022 Best Short Paper AwardIVADO Excellence Fellowship (2020-2022) ACL 2018 Best Paper Award Bourse du Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal (CRIM) pour Études Supérieures (2017-2019) Bourse d'Excellence du Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Nature et Technologies (FRQNT) (2017-2018) Graduate Excellence Award (McGill University) (2015 - 2017) Bourse d'Excellence pour Étudiants Étrangers (Government of Quebec) (2011 - 2013) |
Reasoning and Learning Lab |
Last Modified: October 2022 |