3D Image Generator


I was enrolled in a college level graphics course during my senior year of high school. This is the final project for that class, and at the time, was the largest program I had created. Looking back on the project, it has many shortcomings but it was my first attempt at graphics, and a large computer project in general. It is also what fueled my passion for computer science. I am taking a graphics course next term so hopefully I can use this as a springboard for better projects.

All instructions are included in the README file. This project was made under guidelines provided by the instructor, which is why it has a rather roundabout way of creating the images for the GUI.

Source Code

A zip file of all files (source code, documentation, makefile, images, etc.):


Click on the thumbnails below for the animated GIFs/larger pictures (first row is GIFs, second row is images):

Shaded Box "Tumbling"

Wireframe Shapes "Bouncing"

Wireframe Box "Tumbling"

Wireframe Doughnut Expanding

Shaded Box

Two Shaded Boxes

Dark Raytraced Sphere

Yet Another Box