A 3-dimensional projection of the 11-dimensional hypercube. The projection
was written in Mathematica by Russell Towle using Zonotope function
of UnfoldPolyhedra package by Makoto Namiki and KF.
The 1-skeleton (wireframe) of the projected 11-cube.
The graph of the projected 11-cube. The drawing was
automatically made by the function RankedEmbedding of Steven Skiena's Combinatorica package
for Mathematica.
Unfolding of the projected 11-cube. This was created by the UnfoldPolytope
package. Make a paper model with an
postscript file.
The movies above have been created by the polyhedral computation code
cdd+, Mathematica and Oliver Knill's package
GMT (GifMovieTool). cdd/cdd+ packages contain vertex files of
the polytopes above.