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Other Useful Codes

There are several other useful codes available for vertex enumeration and/or convex hull computation such as lrs, qhull, porta and irisa-polylib. The pointers to these codes are available at
  1. lrs by D. Avis [2] (C implementation of the reverse search algorithm [4]).

  2. qhull by C.B. Barber [5] (C implementation of the beneath-beyond method, see [8,15], which is the dual of the dd method).

  3. porta by T. Christof and A. Löbel [7] (C implementation of the Fourier-Motzkin elimination).

  4. IRISA polyhedral library by D.K. Wilde [16] (C implementation of a variation of the dd algorithm).

  5. pd by A. Marzetta [13] (C implementation of the primal-dual algorithm [6]).

  6. Geometry Center Software List by N. Amenta [1].

  7. Computational Geometry Pages by J. Erickson [9].

  8. Linear Programming FAQ by R. Fourer and J. Gregory [10].

  9. ZIB Berlin polyhedral software list:

  10. Polyhedral Computation FAQ [11].

Komei Fukuda 2004-11-24