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An Extension of the CDD Library in GMP mode

Starting from the version 093, the GMP version of cddlib, libcddgmp.a, contains all cdd library functions in two arithmetics. All functions with the standard prefix dd_ are computed with the GMP rational arithmetics as before. The same fuctions with the new prefix ddf_ are now added to the library libcddgmp.a that are based on the C double floating-point arithmetics. Thus these functions are equivalent to libcdd.a functions, except that all functions and variable types are with prefix ddf_ and the variable type mytype is replaced by myfloat.

In this sense, libcdd.a is a proper subset of libcddgmp.a and in principle one can do everything with libcddgmp.a. See how the new dd_LPSolve is written in cddlp.c.

Komei Fukuda 2004-11-24