
Superquadric surfaces are derived from quadric surfaces. A new flexibility is achieved by raising each trigonometric term to an exponent. These exponents controls the relative roundness and squareness in both the horizontal and vertical directions.

Like quadrics, superquadrics have well defined normal and tangent vector equations. Barr also includes an inside-outside function for each superquadric type, particulary useful in applying constructive solid geometry (CSG) techniques. Here, we only show the equations for the superquadrics themselves. The normal vector, tangent vector, and inside-outside equations can be found in [Barr81].

Each figure of superquadrics shows a variety of objects obtained by varying the exponents and from 0.3 to 3.0. controls the vertical component and of each object and increases in value from left to right. controls the horizontal component and increases from bottom to top.


Hyperboloid of one sheet:

Hyperboloid of two sheets:
