Old news
- The paper with David Waszek on "Multiple readability in principle and practice: Existential Graphs and complex symbols" has been published in Logique & Analyse (2020).
- The paper on "Iconicity in mathematical notation: commutativity and symmetry" (with Theresa Wege, Sophie Batchelor, Matthew Inglis, and Honali Mistry) has been published in the
Journal of Numerical Cognition (December 2020).
- The paper on "Pasch's empiricism as methodological structuralism" is available open access in The Pre-History of Mathematical Structuralism, edited by Erich Reck and Georg Schiemer (May 2020).
The CSHPM 2018 Volume of Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics, edited by Maria Zack and myself, has been published. (January 2020).
- My first paper
in German, "Über Freges Begriffsschrift für Aussagenlogik: Gestaltungsprinzipien, Vor- und Nachteile", a revised translation of my HPL paper on the Begriffsschrift, has been published in Mattias Wille's collection Fregesche Variationen. Essays zu Ehren von Christian Thiel, December 2019.
- The abstract of the poster presentation "How to find axioms for finite domains:
A computational exploration of mathematical discovery" (with Gordon Krieger),
has been published in Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (July 2019).
- My paper "Extended mathematical cognition: External representations with non-derived content" (with Karina Vold)
has been published in a Special Issue of Synthese online (January 2019).
The proceedings of the CSHPM 2017 Meeting in Toronto, edited by Maria Zack and myself, have been published in the series Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics. (September 2018).
My paper "The cultural challenge in mathematical cognition"
(with Sieghard Beller, Andrea Bender, Stephen Chrisomalis, Fiona M. Jordan, Karenleigh A. Overmann, and Geoffrey B. Saxe) has been published in
Journal of Numerical Cognition, 4(2): 448–463, September 2018.
- On July 6–8, 2018 I co-organized a workshop with Marianna Antonutti Marfori on Proofs and Representations at the MCMP, LMU, Munich.
- My paper "Numbers through numerals. The constitutive role of external representations" has been published in Sorin Bangu's collection Naturalizing Logico-Mathematical Knowledge: Approaches from Psychology and Cognitive Science, February 2018.
The proceedings of the CSHPM 2016 Meeting in Calgary, edited by Maria Zack and myself, have been published in the series Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics. (January 2018).
- My paper "Dedekind's abstract concepts: models and mappings" (with Wilfried Sieg) has finally appeared in print in Philosophia Mathematica, 25(3):292–317, October 2017. (It has been available online since September 2014.)
- My short paper "On Dedekind's axiomatic approach to the foundations of mathematics" has been published in the proceedings of the "In Memoriam Richard Dedekind (1831–1916)" conference, held last year in Braunschweig (September 2017).
- My paper "On Frege's Begriffsschrift notation for propositional logic: Design principles and trade-offs" has been published online in History and Philosophy of Logic (May 2017).
- My paper "Metaphors for mathematics from Pasch to Hilbert" has been published in Philosophia Mathematica (October 2016).
- Beginning September 2016 I will spend a year with a
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP),
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany.
(September 2016)
- Awarded 4-year Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
(SSHRC) Insight Grant for the research project
"Towards a philosophy of notation: historical, cognitive, and pragmatic aspects of notations for propositional logic" (September 2016).
- My book review of José Ferreirós' "Mathematical Knowledge and the Interplay of Practices," was published online in Philosophia Mathematica (August 2016).
- My Erdös number has decreased to 3 (July 2016).
- Elected President of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics (CSHPM) (May 2016).
- Nominated for the McGill Dean of Students Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising (April 2016).
- Cooperating partner in the research project on "Dualität — ein Archetypus mathematischen Denkens" by Ralf Krömer and Klaus Volkert (Wuppertal) (March 2016).
- My paper "Metaphors for mathematics from Pasch to Hilbert" has appeared in Philosophia Mathematica (online) (January 2016).
- Elected President of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (APMP) (January 2016).
- My paper "The cognitive advantages of counting specifically: A representational analysis of verbal numeration systems in Oceanic languages" (with Andrea Bender and Sieghard Beller) has been published in Topics in Cognitive Science (October 2015).
- The issue of Synthese, in which I
co-edited a special section on "History and Philosophy of Infinity" with Brendan Larvor and Benedikt Löwe has appeared (September 2015).
- At this year's convocation I was awarded the H. Noel Fieldhouse Award for Distinguished Teaching from the Faculty of Arts (June 2015).
- My paper "Basic mathematical cognition" (with David Gaber) has appeared in WIREs Cognitive Science (online)
(May 2015).
- My paper "The cognitive advantages of counting specifically: A representational analysis of verbal numeration systems in Oceanic languages" (with Andrea Bender and Sieghard Beller) has been accepted for publication in Topics in Cognitive Science (December 2014).
- My paper "Axioms in mathematical practice" has made it onto the list of "Notable Writings" in The Best Writing on Mathematics 2014 (M. Pitici, ed., Princeton UP) (November 2014).
- My paper "Dedekind's abstract concepts: models and mappings" (with Wilfried Sieg) has appeared in Philosophia Mathematica (online)
(September 2014).
- I have written a short note of advice for writing papers for the Routes of Writing Project, The McGill Writing Centre (August 2014).
- My paper "A subjective comparison between a historical and a contemporary textbook on geometry" (with Douglas Roland Campbell)
has appeared in Journal of Humanistic Mathematics (July 2014).
- In June 2014 I was Visiting Researcher at Laboratoire d'Histoire des Sciences et de Philosophie - Archives Henri-Poincaré, Nancy, France.
- Promotion to Associate Professor with tenure (June 2014).
- History and Philosophy of Mathematics at McGill now has its own webpage (August 2013).
- Volume 3 of the Hilbert Edition, "David Hilbert's Lectures on the Foundations of Logic and Arithmetic, 1917-1933", edited by W. Ewald and W. Sieg, in association with M. Hallett, in collaboration with U. Majer and myself, has finally appeared (June 2013).
- My paper "Mathematical practice and conceptual metaphors: On cognitive studies of
historical developments in mathematics" has appeared in Topics in Cognitive Science (April 2013).
- My paper "The correspondence between Moritz Pasch and Felix Klein"
has appeared online in Historia Mathematica
(March 2013).
- My paper "Axioms in mathematical practice"
has appeared in Philosophia Mathematica
(January 2013).
- My paper "Mathematical concepts and investigative practice"
has appeared in the collection Scientific Concepts and Investigative Practice (October 2012).
- Since September 2012 I am the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Philosophy Department at McGill University.
- My paper "Methodological reflections on typologies for numerical notations" (with Theodore R. Widom)
has appeared in Science in Context (April 2012).
- From January 14 to February 29, 2012 I was a Research Fellow at Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF) in Bielefeld, Germany.
- My paper "On the creative role of
axiomatics. The discovery of lattices by Schröder,
Dedekind, Birkhoff, and others"
has finally appeared in Synthese (October 2011; accepted March 2009).
- My Erdös number is at most 4 (August 2011).
- McGill has installed a webcam on McGill campus, which sometimes shows my office (March 2011).
- Some soundbites from the Arts Undergraduate Research Event, published in The McGill Tribune (February 2011).
- In Winter 2010 I was on leave from McGill as a visiting
researcher at Université
Paris VII (Diderot), Département d'Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences
- Three collaborative papers of mine have appeared in a collection on Philosophy of Mathematics:
Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice (April 2010).
- My paper on "Pasch's philosophy of mathematics"
has appeared in Review of Symbolic Logic (March 2010).
- My introduction Ampersand, Journal
of the Bachelor in Arts and Science, McGill University, Vol. 2,
has been
published (online)
(December 2009).
- The Montreal
Inter-University Workshop on History and Philosophy of
Mathematics (which I co-founded) had its
second meeting on December 4, 2009.
- My paper on "Learning from the existence
of models. On psychic machines, tortoises, and computer simulations"
has appeared in Synthese (August 2009).
- Since June 1, 2009 I am Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at McGill University.
- My paper on "Learning the structure of abstract groups" (with Thomas Shultz, McGill Psychology) has been accepted for
publication in the Proceedings of the 31th Annual Conference of
the Cognitive Science Society
(30 March 2009).
- The collection with my paper on "Bridging
theories with axioms: Boole, Stone, and Tarski" has been published (with a picture I took on the front cover!)
(January 2009).
- My paper on "Learning from the existence
of models. On psychic machines, tortoises, and computer simulations"
has appeared in Synthese (November 2008).
- My paper on "Two Ways of Analogy:
Extending the Study of Analogies to Mathematical Domains"
has appeared in Philosophy of Science (11 September 2008).
- My paper "On the creative role of
axiomatics. The discovery of lattices by Schröder,
Dedekind, Birkhoff, and others" has been accepted for publication in
Synthese (July 2008).
- My paper on "Modeling ancient and modern
arithmetic practices: Addition and multiplication with Arabic and
Roman numerals" (with Hansjörg Neth, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute) has appeared in the Proceedings of the 30th Annual
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
(July 2008).
- I have been invited to give a talk at the
session on "Historical
Ideals of Rigor in Mathematics" of the Winter
2008 meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic (with APA), in
Philadelphia, PA
(June 2008).
- My paper "On the Importance of asking the
right research questions: Could Jordan have proved the Jordan-Hölder
Theorem?" has appeared in Erkenntnis
(May 2008).
- My paper on "Modeling ancient and modern
arithmetic practices: Addition and multiplication with Arabic and
Roman numerals" (with Hansjörg Neth, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute) has been accepted for
publication in the Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of
the Cognitive Science Society
(11 April 2008).
- Awarded 3-year Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
(SSHRC) Standard Research Grant for the research project
"The Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap," with PI
Richard Zach, University of Calgary (April 2008).
- My paper on "Two Ways of Analogy"
has been accepted for publication in Philosophy of Science
(11 February 2008).
- My book review of Franzén's
"Gödel's Theorem: An incomplete guide to its use and abuse"
has been published (January 2008).
- My paper on "Bridging theories with
axioms: Boole, Stone, and Tarski"
has been accepted for publication in Perspectives on Mathematical
Practices, Vol. II, J.-P. van Bendegem and B. van Kerkhove
(eds.) (December 2007).
Talk at the PhiMSAMP-2 Workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands
(19 October 2007).
- I'm now listed on the Cognitive Science webpage at
McGill (September 2007).
- My paper on "Learning from the existence
of models. On psychic machines, tortoises, and computer simulations"
has been accepted for publication in Synthese (August 2007).
- Current teaching:
- COMP 230: Logic and Computability. Fall 2007
- PHIL 411: Topics
in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. Fall 2007
- Talk at the
Meeting of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of
Mathematics (CSHPM) and the British Society for the History of
Mathematics (BSHM),
Montreal, QC (27 July 2007).
- My paper "On the Importance of asking the
right research questions: Could Jordan have proved the Jordan-Hölder
Theorem?" has been accepted for publication in Erkenntnis
(June 2007)
- Since June 2007: Associate Member of the School of
Computer Science, McGill University.
- Awarded 3-year Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
(SSHRC) Standard Research Grant for the research project
"Geometry and Logic from Pasch to Hilbert," with co-applicant
Michael Hallett (April 2007).
- Talk at conference on Perspectives on Mathematical Practices,
Brussels, Belgium (27 March 2007).
- The proceedings with my paper on "Axiomatics
and progress in the light of 20th century philosophy of science and
mathematics" have been published (January 2007).
- Talk at The Classical Model of Science conference
in Amsterdam (12 January 2007).
- Talk at the Winter 2006 Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society in Toronto (December 2006).
- A review published in History and
Philosophy of Logic (May 2006).
- Co-Editor of The Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap Project (February 2006).
- Two articles published in the October 2005
volume of Synthese.
- Recipient of the university-wide
CMU Graduate Student Teaching Award 2002-03
student times).
Back to more Recent news.

- COMP 230: Logic and Computability. Fall 2007
- PHIL 411: Topics in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. Fall 2007