COMP/MATH 553: Algorithmic Game Theory
Fall 2014
Course Outline
- Introduction
- Games, solution concepts, auctions.
- Mechanism Design
- Social Choice Theory: Arrow's impossibility theorem, the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem;
- Second-price auction, sponsored search auction;
- Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism, spectrum auctions;
- Myerson's Lemma: characterization of single-parameter incentive compatible mechanisms, revenue equivalence;
- Myerson's Optimal Auction;
- Prior-independent mechanisms: prophet inequality, Bulow-Klemperer;
- Multi-dimensional Mechanism Design;
- Stable Matching, Kidney Exchange
- Zero-sum Games
- Min-max theorem & Linear Programming Duality;
- Game Dynamics: fictitious play;
- No-regret Learning: multiplicative weights update method;
- Multi-player Zero-sum games.
- General Games
- Existence of Nash equilibria: proof via Sperner's lemma; emphasis on the combinatorial proofs of existence;
- Algorithms for computing Nash equilibria: the Lemke Howson
algorithm, support enumeration algorithms, sampling methods,
simplicial approximation algorithms;
- Complexity theory of total search problems and fixed points: definition of the complexity classes PLS, PPAD, PPP and relation
to P, NP;
- The complexity of computing a Nash equilibrium: PPAD-completeness
- The complexity of pure Nash equilibria in congestion games:
PLS-completeness results;
- Description method vs computational complexity in games; alternative game representations: graphical games, action graph
games; emphasis on modeling the structure of the player interactions;
- Symmetries in games: algorithms for symmetric games; algorithms for anonymous games; relation to Central Limit Theorems
in probability theory.
- Correlated Equilibria.
- Algorithms: Ellipsoid against hope;
- No internal-regret algorithms.
- Market Equilibria
- the Arrow-Debreu existence theorem;
- Algorithms for markets with linear utility functions;
- Tatonnement;
- PPAD-hardness of markets with Leontief utility functions.
- Price of Anarchy : selfish routing in networks, PoA in congestion games.