1. What kinds of jobs tend to be CPU intensive?

2. What kinds of jobs should never be CPU intensive?

If the following applications are eating up significant percentages of CPU time, they are not functioning normally, and are probably runaway apps.

3. Some bad habits to avoid

3. Start small and work your way up.

If you are working with a very CPU-intensive program, or a large number of sequences (eg. greater than 20) or both, you should try to get an idea of how long your job will take. The BIRCH implementation of bioLegato records the time used by most of the CPU-intensive programs and appends it to the output (eg. .outfile, .fasta).  For example, a run of DNAML4 with increasing numbers of genes for PAL (phenylalanine ammonia lyase) gave the following times:

  5 sequences - Execution times on goad: 4.0u 0.0s 0:05 79% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
10 sequences - Execution times on goad: 47.0u 0.0s 0:49 95% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
15 sequences - Execution times on goad: 144.0u 0.0s 2:31 95% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

The times listed left to right are:

  1. User time - CPU time in seconds required used by the program eg. DNAML4
  2. System time - CPU time in seconds used by the system to run the program, usually negligible
  3. Elapsed time - real time elapsed between start and end of job.

4. Monitoring your jobs

Which jobs are eating up the most CPU time on the machine I am currently logged into?

The top command gives you a real time picture of the most CPU intensive jobs currently running on the server you are logged into. Type 'top' at the command line:
load averages:  0.68,  0.39,  0.32                                     12:56:44
229 processes: 227 sleeping, 2 on cpu
CPU states: 71.2% idle, 26.2% user, 2.6% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap
Memory: 16G real, 12G free, 1578M swap in use, 21G swap free

18950 birch 1 1 8 10M 9600K cpu/3 0:27 18.10% dnaml
18870 birch 21 1 0 394M 142M sleep 0:23 0.71% java
22575 kdc 3 1 0 158M 104M sleep 69:16 0.66% mozilla-bin
9079 birch 1 1 0 93M 92M sleep 114:36 0.60% Xvnc
786 root 2 59 0 4784K 3664K sleep 654:59 0.46% automountd
28905 birch 3 59 0 182M 94M sleep 46:17 0.16% mozilla-bin
18952 birch 1 59 0 5032K 2232K cpu/2 0:00 0.14% top
13432 groff 1 1 0 68M 32M sleep 508:21 0.13% mixer_applet2
14583 operac2 1 40 0 69M 33M sleep 467:07 0.13% mixer_applet2
9170 birch 1 1 0 68M 33M sleep 209:16 0.13% mixer_applet2
16400 birch 2 44 0 80M 27M sleep 0:02 0.12% gnome-terminal
9129 birch 1 27 0 63M 31M sleep 6:57 0.05% metacity
9133 birch 1 1 0 97M 62M sleep 50:29 0.05% gnome-panel
20832 birch 2 41 0 89M 27M sleep 7:53 0.05% gnome-terminal
13430 groff 1 57 0 68M 11M sleep 131:59 0.04% gnome-netstatus

This display is updated every few seconds in the terminal window.

To quit, type 'q'.

load average - CPU load averaged over several time increments (usually a few seconds). Even with lots of users doing normal tasks, this is seldom greater than 1.0. CPU intensive jobs like DNAML can push it much higher. Above a load average of 4, system performance noticeably degrades.

PID - process ID. This is the number you need to know to kill a job.

USERNAME - who owns the job

NICE - governs the percentage of CPU time a job can use. Low NICE values are needed by user apps such as Web browsers or word processors because things like cursors and scrollbars need to work instantly. Number crunching programs should run at higher NICE values so that they don't impede the overall performance of the system. bioLegato launches most CPU-intensive programs with a suitably high nice value. (See man pages for 'nice' and 'renice' commands).

SIZE - memory used by an application.

TIME - Time elapsed since. Most apps use up far less than 1 minute. A Netscape session can use up several minutes.

CPU - percentage of CPU time being used. Note that DNAML eats up a lot of CPU time because it does a very exhaustive set of calculations in constructing a phylogeny. The 'java' job also shown abouve is actually biolegato.

COMMAND - the command being run

The top command has a lot of great options. For example, you can sort jobs by memory used,  or list only jobs under a given userid. You can even kill jobs directly in top. Type 'man top' to read about them.

Which jobs are currently running under my userid on the machine I am currently logged into?

The ps command  with no arguments tells which jobs are  running in the current shell (the current window):.
 28018 pts/19   0:00 csh
 25266 pts/19   0:00 csh
 28022 pts/19   0:02 gde
ps -u userid tells which jobs are running under a given userid on the host you are logged into
ps -u frist
 25225 pts/16   0:00 dsdm
 25252 ?        0:01 dtprinti
 27938 ?        0:01 xman
 25251 ?        0:01 clock
 24552 pts/11   0:15 Xvnc
 27919 pts/18   0:00 sh
 25250 ??       0:01 dtterm
 24555 pts/11   0:00 Xsession
 24643 ?        0:05 dtwm
 25241 pts/18   0:00 dtsessio
 28018 pts/19   0:00 csh
 25249 ?        0:02 dtmail

5. Killing unwanted jobs

  • You can only kill jobs belonging to you
  • You can only kill jobs on the host machine to which you are currently logged in.

To kill a single job

To kill a job just type 'kill -9 PID' For example, to kill the dtmail mailer

kill -9 25249

To kill multiple jobs

A list of jobs can be included in a single kill command:

kill -9 25249 25252 27938

If your terminal screen is frozen, kill jobs remotely

If your screen locks up, you can log into the same host machine from another terminal and kill jobs from there. If you see one job eating up a lot of CPU time, kill that first. It is probably the one that caused the screen to freeze up in the first place, and killing that job will usually free up the screen.