bioLegato Online Help

The Edit Menu

Copy selection to internal clipboard and delete from display
Copy selection to internal clipboard
Paste selection from internal clipboard to cursor location
Select All
Select all items in name pane or sequence pane
Current selection will be made into a group. Insertions and deletions of gaps or other characters are performed on all members of a group.

not currently implemented
Get Info
Show or modify data for the selected sequence
Select sequence by name
Select all sequences whose names match a search string
not currently implemented
Copy out
Write selection to clipboard file: $HOME/.GDEclipboard. Copy out and past in makes it possible to move data from one bioLegato window to another.
Paste in
Import contents of clipboard file: $HOME/.GDEclipboard.
Open a new bioLegato window containing only the selected data
Extract subset of sequences to new window
Select sequences in the current bioLegato window using a list of names to choose the selection. Send to a new bioLegato window, a text edit window, or a file.